Arising Trouble

On the way here Lyn noticed how odd the atmosphere in the streets were. Maybe it's because it was night, but everybody seemed strangely more vigilant and alert than usual. Then again, with talk of an impending war, and attack towards the Mist Kingdom, she supposes it made sense. When she saw Allen earlier, he looked very worn out.


When the others head out, she remained - but in a discreet manner as possible. She doesn't want Pupillam to freak out or anything.

Lyn made her way over to the balcony where Amakaze was. She carefully approached him and he did not seem surprised to see her. Lyn did not speak right away and waited for a few minutes, before she asked him. "Amakaze, the one who attacked you. .."

"Nakahara Korin. Although there were a group of men with her, she was in the center," Amakaze sighed. "I did hear that she was in the Mist Kingdom already, but I didn't think I'd be the unlucky guy that ran into her."

. . Korin.