An old friend

Lyn shook her head. It seems pointless thinking about these things right now. It's not like things would change. It seems like since they came here, her thoughts are always in disarray. She placed her hand on her forehead; she felt a headache coming along.

Her thoughts broke instantly when Pupillam bows, "Princess, the person you are waiting for has come.."

The person she has…Lyn immediately stood up, "I'll get going."

"Wait, Princess, at least change your clothes."


Lyn hurries her pace, and upon arriving at the room, she spies a guy with simple golden-colored locks, "Abeno! It has been a while!"

This man is Abeno, one of the people who helped teach her magic at the church.

Lyn wanted to save her stomach for Kazuya's meal, so she simply sat and watched him eat. At first, Abeno was against it, saying that it did not seem fair for him to eat while she just sat and watched. But eventually, she convinces him.