Odd Tradition

When Lyn re-entered the room, the two men were engaged in, in-depth discussion about something. Even though Rhys told her she could stay, Lyn figured it was best to get out of the way. But still, Junlan church is actually siding with the Sound Kingdom? The church members of that place are very strict, and many people respect them. It's a place of power. Do the members there also think that Mother should be

"Abeno's speaking with Allen right now. But they should be done shortly. I'll show you around till then," Lyn explained. Now that she thought about it, she's never shown Rhys around her place before.

'We have to maintain our distance..'

So even though she came to that conclusion in such a short amount of time. How on earth did it lead to her being left alone with him.'

'I need to speak with the Prince. You spend time with Rhys. You coming here would be meaningless otherwise.'