Live as you must and die as fate decrees

Then again, can anybody truly determine what is right from wrong? What people see as wrong, what they see as right will undoubtedly differ. What Mother's first husband did, was it so wrong? Lyn remembered him as a man of virtue. Would he deliberately initiate a plan that would harm the lives of innocent people? If he did something wrong, would Mother defend him? Lyn knew that Mother liked her first husband, but would she sacrifice everything for the sake of love?

Her thoughts broke off when Rhys lifted her off the ground. "Lyn has to go back to resting. Sir Abeno, let's save this chat for another time."

"I agree, take care of your health."

With those words said, Abeno quickly hurried away. Rhys took her away, but Lyn immediately noted something was wrong.

"Rhys, this isn't the right way to your…"

"I'll bring you somewhere else."

"B—but, I can't leave the castle," Lyn said.
