Glass Treasure P5

Lyn wanted to say something else but noticed his eyelids were closing. So instead, she leaned forward and bravely brushed her lips against his. "Goodnight, Kazuya."

"Night, Lyn."

Ever since Kazuya came, she's been able to sleep peacefully. However, last night? She couldn't sleep at all, that was the first time. It's not Kazuya's fault, though; she still feels the same comfort being by his side. But..

"Lyn, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." She tapped her fingers on the table. The two of them were finishing their breakfast. Unlike last night, the place seemed oddly deserted. Then again, she supposed people were still fast asleep. "What are we going to do today?"

Lyn had her own plan, but that's changed now Kazuya is here. While she will go through with it regardless. In the meantime, she has to act good. If Kazuya found out what she intended to do, Lyn knew she would get in trouble. He might even report it to her eldest brother.