
Lyn increased her hold on him, and Kazuya laughed. All she can do is comfort him like this. All she can do is stand by his side. No, that's not it. From now on, they will fight together. She's concerned about Rhys whenever he gets that clouded look in his eyes. After hearing about his experience, it made sense. If Kazuya tells her everything, will she be able to understand him like she does with Rhys? It's hard to tell; these things even now make little sense to her. One thing is for sure, though, no matter what happens, she will make sure to prevent him from staining his hands with even more blood.

"What are you two doing here, flirting when we have an emergency case on our hands?"

At that comment, Lyn looked up and found a scowling Rhys on the balcony. He leaped down.

"We're not flirting."

"Right, that's not flirting," Rhys agreed. "What we did yesterday was flirting."