Depends on you

Andrew is not exaggerating when he says that the fate of the world will change if something happens to this woman. This woman is supposed to be the Empress; there is no doubt about that. But she isn't, because of one foolish mistake she made. "Was it worth it, siding with my father? Sacrificing everything?"

If Mother didn't side with father, then there is no doubt that she would be the Empress by now. Or rather Grandmother and Grandfather raised Mother to become the Empress. Everything Mother has learned since childhood, all the skills and knowledge. It was so she could become the Empress one day. But, in the end, she was met with this tragedy.

She has the skills to be the Empress, the necessary requirements. But the trust and faith of the people?

Orthez laughed, "You've been thinking this one through it seems like."

"I've had the pleasure of watching everything from this position."