
It made little sense to Andrew whatsoever. Is she joking? No, even though Mother is fond of telling jokes. She would not bother telling jokes now of all times. Andrew hesitated, but he looked at her face. 'She isn't joking, she is serious.' But then, what has he been doing this entire time?

Not only did he fail Lyn, but it seems like he failed Zepher too.

Andrew always disliked that title the other Prince. It made Zepher sound like an outsider. It felt like people knew. For the longest time, Andrew knew too. The adults weren't aware that he already overheard their conversation regarding Zepher. Even as young as he was Andrew could understand. Zepher isn't his brother. Yet for him, Zepher was his only brother. He could never connect in the same way with Kotaro. Was it because of the age difference? Andrew didn't know. But, Zepher was different.

That's why he didn't want to believe that his brother committed such a crime.