What sort of person do you want to be?

It was stupid. Whenever Zepher thought back to it, why did he try to escape? He should have just stayed put. Andrew's anger would have vanished after a few hours. He knew the man well. While he maintains that stoic face in public. Andrew was a very emotional person. Naturally, he would feel hurt seeing such a sight. Heck, the same would go for anybody, right? If he were in that position, he would have reacted in the same way. No, if it were him, he would not know what to do. He was a mix between Andrew and Kotaro. He was not overly serious like Andrew.

While he upheld traditions, if it came down to a situation where negotiations are involved, Zepher would negotiate. Like Kotaro, he believed in listening to the people, and he interacted more with the townsfolk. But then again, as clumsy as Andrew was with words. He had his own ways to gain people's respect and trust.