
The atmosphere was clearly tense, but Lyn didn't seem to notice. Or maybe she was deliberately ignorant. Either way, Lyn rushed over to him. "B—r-" he stopped her in mid-sentence, and she corrected herself. "Husband."

At that comment, he noticed the boyfriend guy flinch, and he chuckled. "As you can see, my wife is here now, so.."

The medics understood and quickly left the room. Lyn sighed, "Brother, what were you thinking? It's not like you to have your guard down."


Zepher did not understand it himself. If it were the past him, he would have smelled that trap a long time ago. But, the current him? The others have the right to be worried; he is acting strangely. But he can't help it; whenever it comes to Lyn, he ends up being irrational. It was the same back then too. His memories of what happened that day in the church were a blur. Zepher didn't understand how he ended up in a church.