Where does your heart lay?

"Do you truly understand what it means to be the Queen Lyn?"

Lyn laughed softly, "You don't have to baby me, I know of course." Would she really take such reckless actions if she didn't know? "But, if I don't take the throne. No, if the throne doesn't end up in mine and brothers hands. Civilization as we know it will cease to exist."

"Is that why your trying so hard?"

"I can't say I care much about what happens to Civilization. But, there is something I have to protect. If the Empire continues on this path, in a few years everything will be annihilated. Everybody will die, even him….and," Lyn's gaze fell on her brother. "And you brother."


"Initially, I wouldn't have to do anything. There is already a perfect candidate for the throne. It would be no different if brother took it instead of me. Mother knows that too. But, I am willing to put my life on the line for the two people who care about me the most."