I cant give you answers

"By the way, Rhys said he would attend today's event."

Her eyes lit up when she heard those words. Rhys is coming? Lately, she does not get a chance to see him much other than at night. During the night, he does not speak much; he listens to her talk and then falls asleep. Those moments are very peaceful, and yet their conversations are short. He always seems to be in a hurry too.

"I see you missed me already." A familiar voice mumbled against her ear. Lyn flinched at the sudden contact, but Rhys grabbed hold of her wrist before she could lose her footing.

"Easy there."

"Thank you."

Rhys nodded and turned to Kazuya. "You keep offending people lately; there are some knights from Prince Andrews division looking for you."

Kazuya grinned. "Don't they know that not even their master can get near me?"

"Don't cause my brother problems," Lyn interjected. "Lately, he seems even more stressed than before."