Pretty enough?


Allen is a gentleman who would never hurt her, due to their age differences and his traditional views. She knew even if he had feelings for her, he wouldn't do anything. Allen seldom held her hand, most of the time he held her wrist. So Lyn already understood that this man wouldn't try anything. 

Kazuya was the same too. If Rhys knew that Kazuya never did anything with her, how would he react? Kazuya had his chance to do something but he stopped it. Even now Lyn could remember his lips that brushed against hers and the sensation of his skin. But, 'ssh, go to sleep Lyn.' Lyn wondered this entire time why Kazuya stopped. Why didn't he go any further?

Is it because she isn't pretty enough? Such strange thoughts entered her mind. It was stupid to think that way and she knew that. But other than that reason, Lyn didn't know why Kazuya didn't touch her.