I was serious

Rhys would have liked to continue doing that with Lyn but unfortunately before he could do anything else two annoying people appeared. The first one to march over was Lyns overprotective aide Pupilliam.

"Princess Lyn!" Pupillam exclaimed. "Didn't I warn you before? You have to be careful about men like this."

Lyn sweat fell. "But wouldn't it be odd if we didn't kiss at all? We are in a relationship."

Pupillam shook her head. "I never said you couldn't but that man was after something else."

Ralph chuckled. "Now, now it's quite interesting."

"Sir Ralph doesn't approve of this. The Princess is still young--"

Rhys sighed and spoke up. "Quit it, even if she is young it is up to her to make her own decisions. Don't treat her like a doll."

Lyn tugged on his hand and he sighed again. "You shouldn't let her baby you too much."

"Pupillam is only concerned."