I understand a little now

'But your Queen Orthez daughter.' No matter how much he loved her, this thought haunted him at night. Lyn is that woman's daughter.

Rhys felt her lips on his neck and he shuddered. Well if she is going to act so bold why would he refuse her? Still, she is so small and cute, completely different from those other women.

"Lyn, we need to investigate."

The innocent girl in his arms however continued and a content sigh passed his lips. Not that he is against this. She is good at reading people's emotions. She probably thinks this is the only way to calm him down.

Rhys had enough so he cupped her cheeks again and kissed her soft petal like lips.

After kissing for a few minutes Rhys pulled back slightly. "Are you okay?"

"A bit tired." She slumped her head on his shoulders. "Can I rest for a bit?"

Rhys looked at their surroundings for a moment before he nodded. "Hey Lyn?"


"I don't understand why you're staying with me."