The Rain Kingdom Tragedy

It is almost like fate likes to play games with them. What kind of situation is this? Due to the sudden heavy downpour the two of them had to take shelter in a nearby cave, that isn't the issue however. He awkwardly stole glances at the girl only covered with a blank across her shoulders. Their soaked clothes hung on a makeshift rack by the small camp fire he made. If she stayed in her clothes she would catch a cold so this was the only thing he could come up with.

This situation is so bad right now, seeing her skin like this- Rhys averted his gaze. Dont do anything stupid. He can't take advantage of her when she is still feeling weak. The downpour happened right as they finished that conversation.

He knew he ought to look away from her and stay as far as possible but his gaze fell on the mark on the girl's body. That curse mark others have shunned her for since she was younger. This was one of the things that made him interested in the mission regarding Lyn.