What does he want?

After walking for a few minutes, Rhys slammed her against the wall and kissed her deeply.

"I understand that you two are friends. But sneaking out without telling me and meeting him will give anyone the wrong idea."


What else can she say? It was a coincidence that she met Kazuya out here, but she knew that logic would not work on him. Lyn noticed how he was strangely nervous and jumpy whenever it came to anything Kazuya related. But then again, considering how this relationship started, it made sense.

She can't completely dismiss his worries either. After all, she has complicated feelings towards Kazuya.

"By the way, I was looking for you."

"Looking for me?"

Rhys nodded. "I got permission from your brother, but I have some scrolls and books you might want to read."

Even though Rhys dislikes her brothers, before he does anything, he always gets their permission. He does not like hiding anything from her. "I see."