So dull without her

Meanwhile, Kazuya just finished his volunteer work with Prince Andrew. On his way back to the castle somebody gave him a message. Damm, that half brother of his, he is messing with him. Kazuya deeply sighed when he recalled the words on that letter.

'You can return home anytime you want now.'

Then, why on earth did that guy make him come here? Kazuya deeply sighed. He is messing around. It certainly won't come as a surprise to him if Lucas does something like that. Even though his brother has a gentleman's face, he is not a kind guy at all. 

A gentleman, huh? Kazuya paused, recalling the ball's first night when he found out that the two knew each other. Just when he was about to ask the details, his brother disappeared, and when he saw him again, he had whisked Lyn onto the dance floor.