Lethia's madness

A few hours earlier, in the Mist Kingdom castle grounds.

A woman with dusty blonde coloured hair found herself heading in the direction of the destroyed magician tower. A lot has happened the last few months so she did not think to come here but now that she has some time she needs to confirm it.

With her father's powers, it should be impossible for him to die. So then what happened? In the past even when he received fatal injuries they would heal right away.

This strange feeling started when she was twelve, when her Dad started to leave the Kingdom more. She never understood the purpose of his business trips but she couldn't question it.

Thus this always left with her nanny and being daddy's girl, she never got along well with her. Why? She wanted to control her.

It was obvious what that old woman wanted. She wanted to use her to increase her position.

That was fine, she could make use of her too.