Tyrant father

She finally made her father happy. Although he didn't treat her badly, there was a distance. But after that day he spent more time with her and helped train her. She made her father happy. But that day was the first day her mother hit her.

After her father put her down the Queen slapped her father and then did the same with her. Since she was a child the impact of that slap lead to her falling backwards.

Why? Why did mother hit her?

'I saved father. If I didn't do that then I am sure that man would have done something else to father.'

Nobody was doing anything so of course she had to. Should she have left father on the ground like that? He did get up afterwards but at the time she had no clue what his abilities were. It seemed mother already knew so she probably wasn't worried but how could she have known?

As a young girl seeing the sight of her father in a pool of blood, seeing him being stabbed was too much for her.