You know what to do?

Father turned to her and extended his hand out. She gratefully took it. 

Claude looked at the surroundings and then back at her. "I think I have a grasp of the situation now."

"Were you truly under the debris for that long?" Lethia found it hard to believe.

"No, she trapped me in a magic cube. With her mana levels, it is only natural the collapse didn't break the cube."

So it was something like that. But for her to get her father's guard down, they must have done it. Even though mother dislikes her father, she still does that act with him. This is why she doesn't believe in true love, why she doesn't think Kazuya and Zepher are serious about Lyn. Love between a man and a woman is the same. 

It should be the same, and yet whenever she observed how those men treated Lyn, a part of her felt envious. Those gentle acts of affection, were they truly a lie? Sometimes she would observe them at a closer distance, especially that man called Rhys.