I can't hurt you

That's right, no matter how malicious he behaves towards her. How could she possibly dislike this person? Even if his kindness ended up being superficial, he was still there for her during her lonely moments. Right now he is directing his bloodlust at her, there is no doubt that he wants to kill her. But that did not matter to her, she wants to believe in the image she saw in her memories.

'You know Lyn, I don't like you at all. But it's strange, I can't hurt you.'

She heard it once, his honest feelings. She was half conscious then so she was unsure that she heard him correctly. 

'I can't hurt you, but if the day ever comes. Please forgive me.'

Even if he didn't say that, she would forgive him.

Her thoughts broke off when she felt a familiar pair of lips on hers. Rhys was kissing her, but there was something unusual. It felt like he was transferring some of his energy.