
Lyn tried to get up but unfortunately she could feel no strength in her legs.

What use is there having such powerful attacks if this is the consequence of using it? No, it's probably because her body is not in a good state. If she was healthier then this would be easier.

Mana, she has to use her mana.

Didn't she used to do it all the time when she was younger? She was unable to use her legs to walk and so she used her mana as a substitute. She moved her body using magic.

'I haven't done this in a very long time. I am out of practice, but right now that doesn't matter. The most important thing is to save Rhys. 

She shut her eyes and focused her mana on her legs. The build up was slower than what she would have liked. But it was still better than doing nothing, gradually she felt a familiar sensation in her legs and she used that little strength to rush over to Rhys.