I still like you

They ate the rest of the meal in silence after that and he awkwardly followed her out of the kitchen.

"I have to say that Sound Kingdom magic is very convenient. The plates get washed all on their own."

"The people here have other duties to attend to."

"Ah, I think Rhys said something about there being frequent monster attacks."

"That's right. It's okay to walk around, but make sure you have an escort. The knights here have special magic that can swiftly kill off the monsters."

"Mmm, but the lieutenant came all the way here too. So, I think I should be fine."

'I wonder why she isn't asking why Pupilliam didn't come along.' Perhaps Pupilliam still feels awkward seeing Lyn? With her personality, it would not surprise him if that is the case. 

She probably feels that Lyn abandoned her and left her behind. To the last minute he is sure that Pupilliam wanted to go with her to the hidden village.