The Sound Kingdom Queen

Kazuya wanted to refute her words, but unfortunately he couldn't do so. Sayuri wasn't always a bad Queen. When the former King suddenly passed away and she had to take over. She had only just turned seventeen. She was rather ignorant of the Kingdom affairs since the previous King kept everything to himself and didn't trust anyone.

But she still did her best. He remembered their impromptu engagement ceremony. The entire time she barely looked at him, and seemed tense.

Because of his adventurous nature he was seldom around and often went away. He wondered since when? Since when did Sayuri figure out where the route of the Kingdom's corruption came from? Since when did she make such a large decision by herself?

'I know we are only engaged in name. But, if the time comes where I need you. Can I rely on you?'

She barely uttered a word during the ceremony, but after the end. She said those words while trembling.