
The morning of the day of the final battle, it was slightly cloudy and it looked like it would rain. If it rains, Rhys will have an advantage. So Lethia will try to prevent that. Perhaps it was due to both Lyn and Rhys efforts to heal him but he felt much better.

'I am not exactly at full strength, I won't be now that the illness has progressed this much. ' But at the very least he wants to have the strength to fight. 

Currently they are  making last minute preparations. His gaze fell on Lyn who was speaking to Pupilliam, Teo, Ark and Kristy. 

It was an unusual combination, but seeing them together made him think. If all of them become Lyn's knights after this fight, how great would it be? If it's these four, they will surely help Lyn build the Kingdom alongside Rhys.

Rhys walked over to him with a frown. "Hey, your still looking a bit pale. Maybe we can swap-"