
Mist Kingdom, Main Castle.

He has snuck into the castle a few times since he escaped the prison. But, he was in for a shock when he saw the frozen path. If it were any other person they would have a hard time walking on this. But Lyn glided through the path with ease.

"Come on, don't just stand there."

"Uh yeah." Kazuya quickly followed after her. 

What on earth has Rhys taught her? Contrary to what the rumors say about Lyn and Rhys relationship. He knew that Rhys continued to train her even after the two of them started dating. Moreover since they reunited he noticed it, Lyn's mana is different.

It's not unstable like it was before, Rhys must have taught her how to control it.

After running down the ice path for a few minutes, they eventually stopped in front of a familiar door. This should be the throne room, strangely there isn't any guards.