Chapter 321

Lovr quickly stepped aside, grabbed the unlucky predator by the white tail, pulled her to himself and flicked her forehead: «Wanted to scare me?»

Triana opened her mouth in surprise: «You… noticed me? But how?» – She was careful to pounce off the branch so that it would not creak, using the concealment technique. The master couldn't have noticed her even if he had eyes on the back of his head.

Kyon snorted coldly: «I see right through you. Every step you take is in my power.»

«You lie as easily as you breathe!» – The tigress snapped in disbelief. – The Rustling of Leaves is flawless! Even lord phasers can hardly notice me, and you definitely couldn't! I must have activated it too late… Yeah, it makes sense.»

«You're so stupid and naive… Come on, try and hide again.» – Kyon yawned loudly.