Chapter 322

Early in the morning, as Kyon left the tent, he found a big drawn and dressed swan at his feet.

The hungry gaze of the huntress lying on the tree branch spoke for itself.

At a rough estimate, the participants would arrive in less than two hours. Kyon shrugged his shoulders and decided to use his great cooking skills to "feed his pet."

Soon the meal was ready.

«Purrr! So tasty! Gr-r-r…» – Dangling from a tree branch, Triana growled, eating with gusto a huge roasted piece of the swan. The meat was so tender it could melt in her mouth, and the flavor caressed all the taste buds of her tongue. Triana could swear that she had never eaten anything more delicious in her life. Another two or three meals like this, and she would get addicted to the food prepared by his magic hands. Her master was really gifted.

While the tigress was diligently licking herself with her rough tongue, Kyon caught a ring fallen from the sky with delivery from Boston.

«Come here, baby tiger.»