Chapter 329

Kyon went up to the stands, ignoring offensive comments. He was wearing a white cape and holding a magic staff in his hand. He nodded to surprised Vladimir and winked at the stunned participants, causing chaos in their ranks. When the authorized person removed his tournament bracelet, he went to Cernos zone.

A fearless Grand clenched his fists and took a step towards the hated bastard with something unkind on his mind, but the fat freak suddenly turned around.

«Wanna see a magic trick?» – Kyon said with a smile.

The other participants instinctively flinched at this phrase.

The unlucky avenger turned deathly pale and rushed headlong to the edge of the zone.

More than five thousand spectators looked at each other, puzzled. What was it about?

«No? Whatever.» – Kyon snorted and raised his nose haughtily. All the tournament participants were afraid of the man who wouldn't beat any of them in single combat! He got them trained well, didn't he? Kyon felt really proud of himself.