Chapter 330

The huge dish was filled to the brim with keys. The pile was three times higher than that collected by all the participants put together.

Suddenly, there was complete silence. No one could believe their eyes: the miserable fat freak in a fairy-tale robe and with a magic staff had dumped a ton of keys as if he were disposing of trash.

Nulan began to doubt that Dick Baker was an idiot. He must have pretended to be a fool to get the signatures and take full advantage of the principal and his wife. It gave him the leverage against Nulan to cover his fat ass. Dick could officially ruin the principal's and his wife's lives. All Nulan could do was to follow the orders, no matter what problems they might cause. The principal was already regretting that he had ever been tempted by Franz.

Nulan activated the nephrite. The following numbers appeared above the scales: 808.303 & 29.731.408.