Second Life

The Grim is monsters that are varied in sizes and depending on where they came from, they may have ugly transparent wings behind their back or horrendous fins on their necks. They have similar blinding white skin that is as tough as the military tank. They have elongated limbs, huge mouth with countless needle-thin sharp teeth has no eye or nose, and only has four holes at the side of their head. They are a creature without blood or vein. They are extremely fast, making up for their weak muscles body.

They are the disaster, brought up by the Earth itself to clean everything that has destroyed its beautiful surface. They are the disaster for the human.

They are highly intelligent. They infected their targets with the virus and turned them into mutants, Abhorrent. They eat the targets that can't be turned into Abhorrent.

The Abhorrent will listen to the Grim's order, infecting fellow humans to be another Abhorrent and eat those that can't be turned into Abhorrent.

Year 3000, 30th of March.

That was the start of the apocalypse.

Thirty years after the end of the world, Wu Jing Long rested his head on his beloved's lap. He has done everything he could to prevent humanity from ending but he has been tired out by the human's greed. He was far too tired to even care about the humans he left behind because his beloved died before him.

Without anything else to care, he killed himself and rested his head on his lover's lap.

He thought he died but no. He awakened to the past, returned to the time he was still ten months old in the not so lovely family.

He remembered that it was at this age, his lover came to buy him from his parent.


Mo Yu turned a little bit silly after finding out the protagonist killed himself because he died. He died because the second female lead poisoned him in order to be together with the protagonist. He was not too happy to die abruptly but since the storyline needed him to die, he wasn't going to make a qualm about it.

He thought he will be rewarded after death and go to the next world. Yet, the System One told him that he has to reenter the world because the protagonist killed himself.

He was told that the protagonist is in love with him so his death is too heavy for the protagonist to bear.

Mo Yu scratched his head awkwardly. The protagonist is handsome, smart, talented and cool. Who wouldn't love him? Mo Yu is also a gay so he naturally liked the guy but since he is the boy's guardian, he didn't dare to do anything suggestive even though the System One said he can love the protagonist because this world will soon level up from B rank to SS rank.

SS rank means anyone and anything can breed together regardless of gender. What matters between the relationships is the compatibility in wavelength. If there's no compatibility in the wavelength, the two in a relationship will end up wanting to kill each other until one of them no longer breathing.

Thus, the protagonist won't be childless even if Mo Yu ended up as the wife.

Now that protagonist died because he died, would Mo Yu dare to act ignorance? Not even if his conscience allows it. He is gay and forced to abstain from eating ever since he had to focus in taking care of the protagonist. Now the meat offered itself to him, why would he a person who is not a monk reject the meat?

Mo Yu returned to the world, to the time when he has already built a company of his own. He found out from the System One that Wu Jing Long is not the same Wu Jing Long like the one when he first entered the world. Wu Jing Long has reincarnated and this is his second life.

That's mean, even though Wu Jing Long is still kind toward Mo Yu, he won't be easily fooled as he was in the first life.

Not really knowing what to do, Mo Yu just decided to do his missions as usual. He only has to make sure that his protagonist lives past 100 years old and become the Emperor of the world, the first to unite the human and other races under his govern.

In the past, his mission is just to make sure the protagonist lives happily and die of old age but in this life, the difficulty increased. He has to nurture the protagonist so he can become an Emperor.

"Haiya... I'm really unfortunate. The quests just became harder. Was it even my fault that I died?" The fair beautiful man with slender hand massaged his temple. He wears his favourite white colour suit and prepared to pick up the protagonist from the messed up family.


Once Mo Yu arrived at the seemingly luxurious apartment that he barely gave a glance too, he saw a beautiful sexy woman walked over from the elevator to the car in order to greet him. The woman is Delta or her real name, Jun Qimeng. She is his personal assistant.

"Boss Yu, the family is ready to hand over the baby." Delta, as she did in the past had a weird expression on her face. She seemed confused, not quite understanding the purpose of her master for choosing a specific baby from a specific family to be bought.

Mo Yu walked out from the car in a refined manner like a proper noble. The woman guided him to the elevator and pressed the number of the floor they intended to go.

"What is the boy's name?"

"His name is Jing Long."

Calm Dragon that was the name the protagonist had even in the past. A calm dragon is far fiercer than a wild dragon that bore his fangs and claws.

"Soon, you have to register his surname as Wu. He will inherit my mother's wealth."

Delta widened her eyes, not expecting to hear this news.

Mo Yu gave the same order in the past life. He is merely repeating his words.

His mother, Wu Si Lan does not have any relative so Wu's family wealth directly fall to her and after she died, it fall to Mo Yu but Mo Yu didn't touch the wealth. He decided to inherit it down to the protagonist.

Mo Yu is the only son of the Mo and Wu family. He does not have any distant relative from the paternal and maternal side. His father is still alive but his mother is dead. His father remarried but his step-siblings are too young to compete with him for Mo business and wealth.

Even then, he is not interested in Mo's wealth. He only took over the CEO position for a few years before he opened his own company and gave the CEO position back to his father, agreeing to help him nurture his other heir into reliable CEO.

Thus, his life is not as complex as the protagonist. Even if he has a step-sibling and stepmother, they respected him and not willing to make an enemy out of him. The protagonist's parent is not too rich or poor.

Their background is simple but their bloodlines are too complex.

Few weeks after Mo Yu take the protagonist away; the family will be greeted by the protagonist's distant uncle that they don't know about. The distant uncle said that the old man of the family is inviting them to live in his mansion. His dying will is to gather his family together and he will choose the heir among the one who pleased him the most to inherit his wealth.

If Mo Yu didn't take the protagonist away, he will be the one inherit the wealth and become the target of envy even for his parent and siblings. The old man took a liking to the protagonist who knows for what reason but it does nothing good to the protagonist. He will be forced to mature too early, forced to blackened and refuse to trust people easily.

Although Mo Yu is confident that he can make the protagonist trust in him even after blackening, the protagonist wouldn't be living happily and enjoy things like he supposed to be. Thus, Mo Yu decided to take the protagonist away and nurture him from young to adult.

Mo Yu is old enough to be a father due to his age gap with the protagonist but he got goosebumps from having the idea the protagonist call him father. In the end, he made the latter called him, older brother and call Mo Yu's father as the dad.

"Welcome Mister Mo, please enter. The boy is inside." A man about the age of thirty years or older smiled widely as he welcomed Mo Yu and Delta once they arrived in front of the house door.

Mo Yu walked inside, nodded his head lightly in form of politeness. He took off his shoes and wore the house slippers before entering the house. As he walked in, he saw the baby boy who was held by his mother, looking expectantly at his direction. He smiled helplessly, knowing the protagonist has reincarnated.

He is still as cute as he remembered. With the bald head, fair and tender skin, chubby legs and cheeks.

The boy's older siblings are currently studying at school already so there's only him and his parent in the house.

Mo Yu walked over to the woman and took the ten months old baby boy from her. He gestured his head to Delta and the latter took out a cheque, already signed by him.

"This is the promised ten million dollars. Please sign this document and the agreement." Delta held out the document and pen.

The woman that is sitting on the couch glanced to her baby and back to the document. She sighed and bit her lower lip. Her eyes are wet as she reluctantly signed off the document. "Can you let Jing Er stay with me for one more day?"

Mo Yu ignored her and walked out of the house while carrying Wu Jing Long in his arms.

This was the same trick the woman tried in past life. He might be fooled in the past but not anymore in this life.

The woman forcefully kept Jing Long for two weeks even after receiving the cheque in order to ask for more. She showed reluctance and caused noises to attract the neighbours in order to not pass Wu Jing Long over to him. Only after he took out another cheque of ten million dollars did she pass the boy over to him.

Rather than giving the money to them, Mo Yu would use the money to spoil Wu Jing Long which is a thousand times better because the boy knows how to be grateful, unlike the greedy fools.

He did take advantage of their greediness but not on their weakness. They are not in trouble of debt or anything like so. They are just greedy for more money and couldn't resist the idea of selling their baby once Mo Yu put up the advertisement of buying a baby of the coincidentally perfectly matched their child's description.

Delta watched as her boss hugged the boy in such a possessive manner as he left the house. She shook her head in a helpless manner and repeatedly ordered the boy's birth mother to sign the documents.

Only after adding a few thousands as a bribe and threatened to take back the cheque did the woman sign the documents.

She kept the documents with her and went to the parking lot. Her boss's car is already gone. She smiled and sighed as she drove her car over to go to her boss's mansion.

In the car, Mo Yu pinched Wu Jing Long's smooth cheeks. "Can't you talk? Haven't you reincarnated?"

As he expected, the boy widened his eyes and those blue irises turned dark as the boy thought of something in his mind.

"Jing." He called out. "Won't you call me gege like before?" His mouth curled into a warm smile.

Wu Jing Long's eyes softened. He sighed briefly and smiled. "Gege."

Mo Yu's eyes curved downward. He grinned and flicked the boy's cute nose.

"Now you know not to act in front of me. Tell me, why did you kill yourself even after your gege said to live happily?"

"How can I?" Wu Jing Long pursed his lips. He looked super adorable doing so. "Without you, how can I live? Don't mention living happily. I can't even live without you." A baby no older than ten months old is speaking super fluently in Chinese is a shocking sight but Mo Yu was more comfortable in this way.

Mo Yu sighed. "Don't do that again in this life. If you want me to accompany you for eternal, you have to be able to spread your wing wide so I can take cover underneath."

The boy stares at Mo Yu unceasingly. "Will you stay with me once my wing is large enough to cover the whole world?"

The man smiled, looking more beautiful and gentler than he ever been. "En. I will."

Wu Jing Long blinked his eyes and his mouth slowly formed into a wide smile.

"Smile, smile bigger. You toothless old man. Your gege will have to take care of you again in this life. Do you know how tiring it has been?" Mo Yu couldn't resist pinching the boy's smooth cheek again.

Wu Jing Long frowned and closed his mouth quickly, realizing that he is indeed toothless. In this form, don't mention showing love acts with his lover... Even his ass will need to be wiped by his lover again.

He lowered his head to lean to the man's shoulder, in a depressing mood.

Why does he have to reincarnate as a baby? Couldn't he just reincarnate as a young boy?

No... that is dangerous. If somehow his mother refused to give him away or his lover didn't reincarnate, he might not be able to meet Mo Yu again.

He should be grateful to be reincarnated and having the second chance to live with his lover again.

When he heard the man said it was tiring to take care of him, he smiled again. Even though the man said it like that, not once in the past he complained or scolded him of the trouble he made.


Ge/ gege = older brother.

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Small theatre:

Mo Yu: My gong(seme) has become a baby.

(灬º 艸º灬) hehe

Wu Jing Long: My dragon(dick) is so small! Wife, don't laugh... )
