1 Year few months old.

Mo Yu hired a nanny, two bodyguards to take care of the protagonist while he is busy doing other business.

Wu Jing Long also agreed that he patiently grow up as a normal person until he can take care of his own. He knew that Mo Yu is doing preparation for the apocalypse.

In the past, Mo Yu only took care of him appropriately as a guardian and both of them encountered the apocalypse without enough preparation. In this life, both of them has reincarnated, naturally, they will use this chance to prepare more thoroughly.

Mo Yu busied himself to buy land after lands, compensating people who have to move out from the lands, going in and out of the court to fight against the complaints so-called injustice from common people. After buying three cities next to each other, he registered the place as a private city, a private property.

If he is a simple person as before, he would definitely be broke after buying just one city but in this life, he created a translation device which would be made in the future during the apocalypse for humans convenient. When humans are forced in a dire situation, the technology and sciences naturally advanced as well.

The translation device is similar to a Bluetooth device but can be shaped into various shape as ear accessory and now, every mobile phone company became interested in investing in his product which he named Render. They wanted to collaborate with him and as a businessman, he didn't reject the proposal.

The translation device allowed everyone to hear the other speaking in their tongue language. The translation device will repeat the word by word slower by two seconds but with the same voice as the person who spoke. The voice of the voice owner will sound a bit distorted or has an automated voice from the device which he did on purpose to increase the price later on when there is another upgrade.

The excuse is that he was still working on voice to voice immediate translation while also working on to get the device to use the owner's exact voice. He planned to make the perfect version of Render once Render reached its tenth anniversary.

He is also creating a device that can convert voice to text perfectly into another language, into subtitle that will be shown on a screen that can be pinned on the shoulder for other people to see. The screen can be attached anywhere and be used by anyone. This device is made to be just slightly cheaper than the hearing device. He named the device as Reader, simple and easy to remember.

The devices have portable chargers like the phone's charger but there's no USB attached on the device or the charger. Instead, the charger is like a box with a glowing line around it. People just need to throw their Render or Reader inside the box and the device will slowly recharge.

Just with the two devices, he made his name to the top of the business world and received envies and admiration as one of the most successful young genii of the business world.

Although not everyone has a Render due to the expensive price, most people will have a Reader at least one for a family. Even a restaurant added Reader in the must-have list. A restaurant without a Reader gets a low review from travellers.

The only reason Mo Yu is able to create the two devices perfectly because he has a System that can copy existent data for him. As long as they exist, whether it's in the future or the past, System can copy the data for him to use at his own benefit.

Render and Reader existed in the past apocalypse life. Wu Jing Long knew of its existence and agreed with his idea of creating them to make money for apocalypse preparation.

Of course, Mo Yu has to pay to use the System's power. He used up the points he got from completing the past quests just to get the Reader and Render's complete file.

He is broke as a Host, without a point left in his pocket.


Mo Yu was walking toward his office with Delta at his side talking about the appointment he has during the evening. From the opposite direction of him, he saw a young but fine looking man walking toward him in a respectful manner. The young man has a pair of sharp looking eyes but refined demeanour. He wears a formal grey suit and on his neck attached an identity card.

"Mo Xuan." Mo Yu nodded his head lightly to the young man.

Mo Xuan is Mo Yu's stepbrother and the oldest among Mo Yu's other step-siblings. He is currently tutored by Mo Yu to be fitting as the Mo Company's CEO. Mo Company is a trading marketing, specialized in handling large projects. They are complex, much complex than Mo Yu's current company Stellar.

Although they are not making as much money as Stellar, their connections are much bigger. Mo Xuan doesn't dare to eye on Stellar Company especially after finding out his mentor has taken in a child probably to nurture him to be the heir for the Stellar Company. He knew not to be too greedy or risk things he already has in hand. It is better for him to focus on learning from Mo Yu to be a reliable CEO for Mo Company.

In any case, Mo Family's wealth will also be inherited by him so he wouldn't be an ingrate as to eye on the Stellar that his brother has worked personally hard on.

Mo Xuan followed closely to wherever his brother goes to including the meeting room.

Everyone has been accustomed to seeing a young man following wherever the Stellar CEO goes to.

Mo Xuan is a sensible person. His family is also alright, not too warm or cordial or too cold. His siblings are not interested in difficult works even though the CEO position is nice.

They are more interested in fame and want to work in the entertainment world while thinking of using him as leverage to make their life easier. Thus, he does not have to watch out for backstabbers from his family when there's none, to begin with. Without backstabbers teaching his life experience, he naturally won't be backstabbing anyone.

Mo Yu is not cold with his family but he is not too warm with them. In any case, they treated him with respect and he returned the equal amount of respect to them. As a family, he is also not minding to help out as long as they knew the boundary.


"Jing." Mo Yu patted the baby as both of them lied on the bed. The baby that should have been

asleep opened his eyes abruptly.

"What?" The baby sounds grumpy. His hairless brows knitted together into a frown. Even though the protagonist promised to live a normal life, he is still angry at his fate because, in the form of a baby, he won't be able to do anything.

Mo Yu snickered and poked a finger at the puffy cheek. "Do you keep your power?"

The knitting brows soon eased. Wu Jing Long nodded his head and waved his hand. He is still unable to move his body fluently due to some limitation.

As he waved his hand, the surrounding wrapped into darkness and if Mo Yu wasn't strong himself, he would have been suffocated in the wrapped space.

The boy waved his hand again and space turned back to normal.

Mo Yu smiled when he saw the usage of power didn't even faze the boy. Normal people with low level would have been exhausted even if they are only activating the power earlier for a few seconds.

His protagonist not only can manipulate the space, but he is also able to shapeshift into shadow and control any shadow.

"Why do you suddenly ask this?"

"There will be a red phase in twenty years. I was wondering what power you will wish to have."

Wu Jing Long raised his brows. In twenty years later, Mo Yu will be forty years old but he remained beautiful and not ageing in appearance. The latter refused to marry no matter what to focus on bringing up him. Even the latter's father gave up on convincing the latter to marry after seeing this man's stubbornness.

After the apocalypse, people can live longer than five hundred years so, after a while, people tried again to convince the latter to marry but he remained unmoved. Only after Wu Jing Long personally asked the latter to marry someone, the latter confessed about being gay and was not interested in anyone.

Wu Jing Long has always been in love with this guardian of his, thus, when he found out the latter is a gay he was the happiest person to learn about it. However, before he could shower the man with love, the latter was poisoned to death by his (WJL) admirer.

Although in this life, Wu Jing Long didn't confess his love and Mo Yu tactfully pay an ignorance act, both of them mutually agreed to live together with each other presences forever. The former also vowed secretly that he will not let anyone who has a crush on him to be close to Mo Yu. If they insisted on being close to Mo Yu, he will want them to die before they could do anything to his love.

He looked at Mo Yu and smiled with his toothless mouth. "I want to be a healer."

"Ah?" Mo Yu didn't expect that. The protagonist wanted to be a healer*? (Healer in-game is often weak, so, Mo Yu didn't think WJL would choose to be a healer although healer in this world is special.)

"In the past, you got poisoned and I can only watch you die. I want to be a healer in this life, only for you." Wu Jing Long smiled warmly.

Mo Yu laughed and caressed the boy's cheek. "Haha. Alright, I will be relying on you."

He patted the boy to sleep and busied himself to read the business proposals from the earlier meeting.

Wu Jing Long took him as the know-all guardian. In the past life, Wu Jing Long is easy to be fooled but in this life, the boy will be more susceptible to the truth. He won't be able to rely so much on the System One to find out about things. He will have to teach himself to gather data on his owns means lest the protagonist might find out about System One if there's no proof of him doing researches behind his back.

There are a total of twelve types of body constitution that can be possessed in the apocalypse but only eight of the twelve may be gifted to someone through the Red Phase.

The moment the apocalypse arrives in several years in the future, a Red Moon will appear timely and not going away whether it's night or day, whether it's dark or bright. Once every year, the Red Moon will turn the whole sky into red which will be called the Red Phase.

During the Red Phase, people above age five who haven't yet awaken their body constitution will be awakening their body constitution during this phase and those who have awakened their body constitution will be given enlightenment of one's awakening of prowess and knowledge.

The Red Phase will only be happening for a short time, around ten minutes each year.

The first and most common body constitution is Elementalist. They have the power to control an element, or to nurture something of the element with the affinity they have, or to create something of the element.

The second most common body constitution is Shifter. They are shapeshifting ability user. They are able to transform into something specific or anything.

The third but uncommon body constitution is Spiritualist – People who can control the energy and use energy as a medium to create power/ weapon/ etc. The fourth is Wizard – People who can control the energy by concentrating them into a spell.

The fifth not so common body constitution is Whisperer - People who can speak to other races. Then, Psychic – People who can read and manipulate minds. Then, the rare Seer – People who can see the future

The rarest gifted by the Red Phase is Healer – People who can diagnose an illness, injury or complication and heal using energy as a medium.

Then, there are those that awakened their body constitution through unconventional mean. There would be cases where one can lose their body constitution and gain their body constitution again, they would go through the unconventional mean.

The most common would be Beta Elementalist. They awakened their body constitution by eating Abhorrent's meat, going through a painful trial.

They use Grim's core as a medium of energy to use elementalist's power. Cannot increase prowess compare to real Elementalist but has infinite energy as long as there's enough Grim's core to be used as a medium of energy.

The second most common people who awakened their body constitution through unconventional mean would be Caster – Cured Abhorrent, natural with magical energy manipulation.

Then, there's Reincarnator – People who reincarnated. They keep their power from the past.

As for the last one, it is not rare but not too common either. Supreme – People who have more than one body constitution.

In the first few beginning years of the apocalypse, the healer is considered as rare but after several years, healers are not so rare anymore and Supreme are rarer.

There are Reincarnators even before Wu Jing Long reincarnated but they are not able to create a proper base for protection because most of them are only reincarnated ten days or earlier before the apocalypse. None of them has enough time to do proper preparation for the apocalypse.

They are considered as a body constitution as well because they kept the power from their past life.

Mo Yu told Wu Jing Long these things in the first life and the latter took everything he said seriously. Mo Yu wanted the latter to live well even after he is gone so he does not hesitate to share everything he knows but that is just because Wu Jing Long in the first life is easy to beguile while the one in this second life is not so easy to beguile.

Hence, Mo Yu didn't tell everything he knows to the boy unlike he did in the past.

Unless the latter asked him, he won't tell anything.


Render and Reader, both are made up devices. They are real in this book but not outside of the book, don't bother searching in Baidu, Google, Yahoo, or etc.

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Small Theatre:

Wu Jing Long: My wife is keeping secrets from me. I will wait for him to open up.

Mo Yu: ...Why are you pushing my legs apart?

Wu Jing Long: *smile widely* *shamelessly speak* I couldn't wait for you to open up so I will help you do it.

Mo Yu: (҂‾ ▵‾)︻デ═一 stay where you at.

Wu Jing Long: \(˚☐˚")/