Five Years Left

A man with angelic appearance dressed in a white suit fit his body with a sky blue tie as he held a boy's hand. His ethereal appearance compliment the boy's cold and handsome demeanour. The boy is about his chest height and dressed in a black suit. The appearance of the two made people looking back at them, boldly staring at them to admire their charming look.

The man is naturally, Mo Yu who remained youthful and beautiful like he was when he is only twenty years old. Mo Yu is already thirty-two years old this year while the boy by his side is eleven years old.

The boy in the black, dark grey suit is no other than Wu Jing Long. He introduced the boy as a family but not a son or brother. People guessed it was the latter but none of them is correct. It is not time yet for him to introduce the boy as his husband.

In this life, paedophilia is still a scary thing, scorned, illegal and taboo so he can't afford to be imprisoned even when his and Wu Jing Long's feeling is mutual with respect. Even if he took the bottom role in the relationship.

Today, both of them are wearing a formal suit to attend to marriage, no stranger to them, the wedding of Mo Xuan and his wife, Ting Yi.

Mo Xuan has long become the Mo Company's CEO after passing Mo Yu's tests. He efficiently managed the Mo Company and settled the troubles that insiders created to mess with him.

Before he became the CEO, he has been dating a woman and through thorough investigation, he found out that his girlfriend at that time is just using him to give benefits to her boy toy. He broke up with her and fate brought him and Ting Yi together. Ting Yi is a Culinary Professor in a university.

She has a humble background with a simple parent, one older sibling and two younger siblings.

Mo Yu also approved of his wife for her manner and intelligent.

As he and Wu Jing Long stepped into the hall, a stern looking man with grey hair and black suit with red tie stood glaring at their direction. At his side is a beautiful woman who looked only about late twenty in age, in an elegant red dress with a bright red lip.

Mo Yu chuckled softly and walked to them.

"Father, mother." He bowed his head lightly to greet them.

Mo Han and Hua Ning smiled as Mo Yu greeted them. Mo Han glanced at the boy by his son's side.

Wu Jing Long noticed their gaze and smiled as he greeted them. He wouldn't be stingy to lower his head to his parent-in-law. After all, he would be taking their son as his wife.

"Father, mother." He greeted them politely.

The two smiled pleasantly, pleased by his attitude. Hua Ning soon spoke in a smooth voice. "You are gradually taking after Yu Er but more vigorous than him. This truly worried me."

Wu Jing Long knew what she meant. He recently took more mixed martial art lessons while Mo Yu is still focused on practicing sword and crashing dojo.

Mo Yu is aggressive but Wu Jing Long is far more vigorous in training.

"Mother has worried for nothing. Jing Er knows the limit." The boy smiled at her.

Hua Ning smiled and sighed helplessly. "Alright. I won't say anymore." She knew that saying anything won't work to these two workaholics.

She was glad that even though her eldest son is mentored by Mo Yu, the former is not as workaholic as the latter. The latter refused to rest even for a bit. She knew that he is creating a city from scratch although the purpose is unknown. He is working beyond human capability and ended up hiring three more personal assistants just for the city development since Delta is managing his business in the company.

Mo Yu and Wu Jing Long were guided by the hall attendant to their table. The wedding hall is designed simple but meaningful with the white and blue theme, similar to snow when Mo Xuan first met Ting Yi.

Soon, the music is changed to wedding march and Mo Yu can see from where he is seated, the man and woman dressed in sky blue faded in white walked into the hall on the red carpet.

Both of them looked at each other with a huge smile on their face. They looked in their happiest moment.

The guests welcomed the bride and groom, watching as the father of the groom making speech to tease his lovely daughter before giving the mic over to Mo Xuan's best friend. The man is Mo Xuan's personal assistant.

Mo Yu is sensitive toward gayness so he noticed the loving eyes of the man when he looked over to Mo Xuan's direction. He just smiled silently, not really wanting to hint anything toward Mo Xuan. If you loved someone, you must be courageous enough to confess or you will end up with nothing. Nothing is too late in this world unless the thing no longer exists.

At this moment, Mo Yu felt a tug on his sleeve. He looked on his left and saw Wu Jing Long pouting his lips at him unhappily.

"Don't look at another man too long." The boy muttered softly in a sullen mood.

Mo Yu chuckled softly and nodded his head. He grabbed the latter's hand and their fingers intertwined under the table. Who knows since when it started but the protagonist has become more possessive of him and it gets worse. Mo Yu just felt ticklish in his heart when his gong (top, seme) eats vinegar* because of him.

(vinegar = sour => jealousy)

After the people spoke to the bride and groom and teased certain people, the feast started. Mo Yu didn't really have much time to spend in this place so he stepped forward in front of the groom and took out a scroll. He smiled when he saw their confused appearance.

He walked a few steps away and flicked his finger. He transformed into a winged white panther right in front of their eyes, making them widened their eyes in disbelief. He grinned and roared as he rushed out from the hall.

Everyone took it as a magic show, clapped their hands loudly except for Wu Jing Long. He smiled and knew Mo Yu's plan. He walked to the bride and bowed his head.

"Please accept this one little trick." He pulled everyone's shadow over to him and engulfed him as he rapidly converted to shadow himself before leaving the hall with Mo Yu.

The hall clapped amorously, thinking this was a magic trick.

Mo Yu has already changed back into his human's form. He smiled as he saw Wu Jing Long followed him out.

The scroll is a letter, telling his family what they need to know.

They can choose to join him in his Stellar Base or build another city of their own. In any case, he will assist them with whatever their choice will be.

Wu Jing Long grabbed Mo Yu's hand and wrapped both of them with shadow, before transporting in the instant to the Stellar Base.


There is only five years left until the apocalypse arrives.

Wu Jing Long is already fifteen years old, gradually surpassing Mo Yu in height. He is about as tall as the latter but both of them are still abstaining from touching each other.

First, Wu Jing Long felt that he is unworthy of touching the latter without real capability and worthiness. Mo Yu is rich, famous and his wealth is due to his own effort even though Mo family played a role in his business. Wu Jing Long is only riding Mo Yu's trail to be famous and rich.

Second, he was worried that he would lose his restraint and hurt Mo Yu with his wild beast like nature. Before the apocalypse arrives, they can't afford to be injured and rest on the bed. They have to complete their preparation for the apocalypse.

Mo Xuan chose to create a base of his own, not too far from the Stellar Base. He decided to act as an alliance base with Stellar Base. He is not like Mo Yu to take over a whole city to be turned into a base. He just took half a city to be turned into a base like Stellar Base, with stone walls surround the place. Just like Mo Yu, he compensated the people that have to move out from their home.

Mo Yu gave him the list of structures and items he will needed for the apocalypse preparation.

The second base is named Black Dwarf, ruled by Mo Xuan. Mo family joined Mo Xuan to give support to the latter knowing that Mo Yu is fine on his own while the latter definitely needs to be helped in city developing.

Both Black Dwarf and Stellar Base have a royal town and military center. In the royal town, they have a palace.

Mo Yu liked the fantasy design for aesthetic so his palace is grand and huge, somewhat like a crystal ice palace with the white, crystal-transparent, blue and silver theme. This is his palace and Wu Jing Long is only living temporarily in the place until he could build his own empire.

The Black Dwarf has a black palace, slightly smaller and less elegant in design but still cool in its own way.

Both palaces are western medieval style with slight fantasy influence.

Mo Han and his family along with Mo Xuan's in-laws lived in mansions created by Mo Xuan for them. Mo Xuan is the rightful owner of the Black Dwarf so Mo Han appropriately choose to live in mansion rather than living in the palace even though he is Mo Xuan's father.

Stellar Base's Academia has the largest buildings created for school purpose. The grand palace is not the biggest building but the grandest.

Walls are built around the palace to separate the palace from the town.

The Grand Palace has a beautifully designed courtyard and complete facilities for servants to live in. There's also a relaxing garden where Mo Yu would place his mount in and training areas where he and Wu Jing Long can train their body at.

The palace is huge but only has three floors and the top roof is round, has a simple balcony garden where Mo Yu can drink tea and enjoy the scenery during his free time. The third floor is where his bedroom, library and study room are at. The second floors have plentiful of rooms for their children if they have any. The first floor has halls and high rank servants living quarters.

The towers around the palace are not for decoration. The towers have rooms and some of the servants with great importance lived there.

Outside of the palace have two dorms for the common servants.

The Grand Palace is one of the buildings with full and complete interior and exterior furnishings. The other buildings would be factories in the Industrial Zone, facilities in Farming Zone, One Star Mall and Seven Stars Mall in the Commercial Zone, every building in the Academia and Military Center.

He has started recruiting people based on their talent and background to allow them to live in the Residential Town. He gave the people that lived in the Stellar Base, ten million each household for them to use to buy furnishings and prepare for the apocalypse.

He has already given out Nitor, the wrist device that worked as their identity card and credit card as well.

No one in the Stellar Base is clueless to the upcoming ending to welcome a new beginning. They found it hard to believe at first but then, Wu Jing Long and Mo Yu showed their ability to them.

They also managed to create a prototype of the Abhorrent Virus. When the virus is injected to the rat, the rat's limbs become elongated and eyes turned like dead fish. It relied on its smell and ran like crazy to chase after the meat that is placed as bait.

The meat is far bigger from the rat but disappeared in short instant once the rat is infected by the virus.

They witnessed this happened with their two eyes and realized that it is nothing like the zombie games or movie they watched. The Abhorrent is five times stronger and faster than when they were human. The ordinary human without ability would die instantly when they encountered this thing.

Although every human will be awakened with abilities through Red Phase, not everyone will be immune to the Grim's virus.

That's why they were very afraid and glad at the same time for finding out about the apocalypse earlier than everyone else.

They knew to be grateful toward Mo Yu and who knows who started calling him but everyone followed suit to call him the Lord.

He is the Lord of the Stellar Base.

After they are given Nitor and were told to follow the Laws he set up for the base, they become even more grateful.

The Nitor and Law for working is a perfect and balanced system where one can easily find task through the Nitor to do based on their age in exchange for money. Even kids can work and the work will be suitable with their ages.

People will do tasks and Nitor will detect whether the task is completed or not before giving out the points. If the task is given out by a person, the person will be the one to sign the task off to acknowledge it as complete. If there is any misconduct or unjust actions, they can go to the Mercenary Hall that is in every town to report.

For the people in the Stellar Base, they knew that Points worth more than money after the apocalypse.

Everything from food to education in the Stellar Base will need points so the people including the one from the Night Street have started working. The people that couldn't sell sex service due to there's no necessary need in the current time would go to work in the mall as part time job or other towns to work.

The paper money they have is being used to prepare for the apocalypse. Mo Yu also gives everyone monthly allowance with dollar money but not points. People have to work for points.

The normal schools in the Academia are opened so the kids didn't miss their education. There are teachers and principal of the school so they are properly taught.

There are six normal schools and four kindergartens. The normal school is divided into the elementary and secondary school of three types of school; sport, art and academic. The kindergartens are all the same, nothing similar to the elementary or secondary school. There are so many kindergartens because Mo Yu knows that in the short future, there will be more kids than teenagers.

The rate of people give birth is faster than kids growing up.

The largest building in Academia is Academy where everything related to power will be taught there. Once every month, Mo Yu will give an open lecture to the academy's students.

Every year during Wu Jing Long's birthday, Mo Yu would be given points. He used the points to buy books from the System One to fill the academy's giant library.

He decided that once there are reincarnators, he will automatically hire them as the academy's teachers and naturally pay them a higher wages than other occupations. There is a stationery shop in and outside of the academy.

The Academia is the only complete town for its purpose.

The Military Center is not half bad but the camp is not complete. He could not buy the military tank and it is not possible to produce one in Stellar Base.

As for weapons, he is already well prepared to mass produce them in the apocalypse. There is a huge workshop in the Military Center where one can forge weapons. From ores to facilities, they are well prepared. He has gathered blacksmith from all over the country. One apartment in the Military Center is reserved for them.


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Small Theatre:

Author: Someone is eating vinegar.

Mo Yu: *shaking head* I won't have a good end on bed later...