Mo Yu in Japan (1)

Five years before the apocalypse, it is snowing in Tokyo, Japan. Global warming has cooled down significantly in a rapid manner to the point of the people felt that the world has returned to the ice age.

There is an anti-cold agent given out to increase human's resistance to coldness but they are not so much for the help. People still need to wear thicker clothes and heat their body with a heater or take a warm bath. When it is snowing, the world became far colder to the point, some building is frozen into ice.

Humans have not frozen over to death thanks to the anti-cold agent.

Mo Yu travelled to the other countries with his assistants excluding Delta. He has completed the apocalypse preparation. He is only gathering extras like talented people, spices and recipes from all over the country.

Just as he walked around, he heard a woman crying while pleading.

His ears and Wu Jing Long's are much sensitive than the others due to their body constitution has awakened.

Anyone that has experienced the Red Phase will have their body constitution awakened. They will be a whole new level of human. Controlling one own sense are the basic knowledge they understood immediately.

Anyone that has experienced the Red Phase will be awakened. They will be a whole new level of human. Controlling one own sense are the basic knowledge we understood immediately. Aside from lessening or heightening the senses, they can't do anything else to their sense.

"Stop... my child..."

Mo Yu was able to understand the foreign woman speaking because he is wearing a Render, acting as a piercing next to his ears. He raised his hand to stop the people behind him from moving. He walked into the alley and saw a woman clutching to her stomach while facing the wall. There were girls and boys surrounding the woman. The girls kicked her stomach all over.

His eyes widened when he realized she is pregnant, at least 6 months.

He immediately transformed into white-winged snow panther and rushed to the woman.


He kicked the teens and growled to them. His assistants soon followed into the alley and blocked the path to prevent them from running away.

He turned back into human form and watched as the teenagers screamed in panic.

"Arrest them, for stealing and attempt of murder." Mo Yu said coldly. The teenagers spoke incoherently and the girls cried. He rolled his eyes at them in contempt.

He was not a fool. He knows exactly what happens.

He went to the woman and carried her in his strong arms. She was under the influence of drug but not too critical. She is suffering from internal bleeding so Mo Yu made in haste to ride a cab to reach the hospital immediately.

He hoped the child in her stomach is alright. As soon as they reached the hospital, the woman was brought to the emergency room. He registered her under his name and he will be responsible for the medical payment. The moment the hospital realized he is Mo Yu, the CEO of Stellar Company, they knew to be more prudent when handling the pregnant woman he brought.

As he waited for the result outside of the emergency room, his assistant that just arrived at the hospital closed in to whisper to his ear.

A sharp glint flashed across his eyes. He closed his eyes and nodded his head lightly.

"Prepare a new identity for her. She will be returning home with us."

The assistant nodded his head and walked away.

Mo Yu looked at the operation room door with his hands holding up his chin.

It wasn't hard for his assistant to investigate anyone's background especially when they aren't keeping it a secret. They easily dug out her stories from the investigation as well.

The woman was only two years older than Wu Jing Long. She was kicked out from her house after her father raped her but her mother refused to believe in her. She lived with her (boyfriend) who used her so she could make money for him. She sluts her body for her boyfriend and then, she got pregnant. Her boyfriend coaxed her to abort the baby but didn't give any money for it. She had to use her saving to abort the baby. Then, she sells her body again and it was not hard to guess that she did it for him.

He suddenly went missing for a few months and she went to his usual place, only to find strange people and those people drugged her. She started to be addicted to the drug (mostly aphrodisiac) and her money was exchanged into those drugs.

Her boyfriend returned and demanded her for money. He kicked her out of his house when she does not have any.

She got pregnant again but she decided to keep the baby this time. She does not finish her school and was not taught any skill aside from selling her body so the only thing she can do is to slut her way. She does not have any house to live in because people refused to accept her that looked like a beggar.

She has money but no house to live. She kept her money in the locker near the alley from earlier and with her bad luck, a group of high school hooligans saw the money and decided to rob the money from her.

They don't forget to humiliate her and slandered her for stealing money since she looked too poor to be having so much money.

'How disgusting.' Mo Yu was not disgusted by the woman but the people who forced her to live so miserably. Every each one of them treated her like trash but they are the real trash that should be removed from the earth.

He took out his phone and called a number.

"Hello?" The voice from the other side of the phone sounds feminine.

"Yuki, I think you can start paying the favour you owe to me."

"Oh?!" The voice sounded excited.

"I would like you to do certain things." His eyes darkened to the point one can't distinguish the white with the black.

He spoke leisurely and soon the voice agreed. "Okay. I will do it."

Mo Yu cut off the connection and kept his phone back to his pocket. He heard the door creak and saw the doctors came out from the emergency room with smiles on their face. He stood up and walked to them.

"The lady has stabilized. Her baby is doing fine but it is not time to give birth yet. There's still two months away from the due date."

"Thank you." He bowed his head lightly. Soon, he saw the woman was carried on the bed to be shifted into a normal ward.

He waited at the side of the bed until the woman wakes up. The woman has dark skin, dyed blond hair and tattoo on her shoulder up to her neck.

She woke up in an abrupt manner. Her eyes just suddenly open wide. She tried to sit but was calmed down by Mo Yu.

She spoke in a foreign language but Mo Yu can understand her. He gave her a Reader so she can understand what he said.

"You are safe now. My name is Mo Yu."

"Why did you save me?" Only people that lost faith in humanity would ask such a thing.

Mo Yu's eyes turned softer. He patted her hand and smiled at her. When facing toward a beautiful man that has a gentle smile, anyone will calm down.

"It is because I saw you were harmed by other people. I am powerful and rich so I don't have to turn a blind eye to my surrounding to save myself. I can save other people because I am strong." He doesn't blame people that don't help because not everyone is strong enough to care about other people's difficulty. He blamed people who caused trouble.

"I will be taking you home with me to China. Will you go? You and your child will be safe there." If she doesn't want to go with him, Mo Yu won't force her. He will naturally have her join his friend's base.

He understood if she doesn't want to go with him because going to a foreign place where you knows no one and knows nothing about will definitely be scary.

"... Why are you so kind..." The lady bit her lower lip and clenched her fists until her nail dug her palm. Tears fell down to her lap as she read the translation.

Mo Yu sighed. He sat on the bed and patted her back. "This is not kindness but a responsibility. You are a kinder person. Even with such hardship, you chose to bear a child. Even after being slandered by someone, you didn't resort to violence. Those people deserved to die for treating you this way." Seeing her made him remember of the past when he and the protagonist were living nearby the Night Entertainers.

"You are still too pure, untainted. Just by helping out, you already thought I am kind." He patted her head and lent his shoulder for her to cry on.

He looked more like a mother than a prince at this moment in the nurses' eyes.

After she calmed down, he explained to her his identity as Mo Yu, the CEO of Stellar Company. She has heard of Stellar before, knew what the company is about and was shocked to know that he is the CEO. She bowed her head down in gratefulness, profusely thanked him.

Her original name is Suzuki but he gave her a new identity with a new name, Crystal Wang.

Crystal smiled brightly when she heard the name. Mo Yu is gay but he is gentle to pure, innocent people especially toward girls. He has always wanted a sister of his own but his step sisters are too wild. He can't feel protective toward them at all.


Several days later...


Mo Yu was sitting on his bed while typing on the laptop when he heard Crystal's feather-like voice calling out to him. He turned his face to the right and saw a girl with short black hair in a white dress sitting on the other bed while patting her cute bulging stomach. She smiled brightly at him and spoke again. "The baby kicked."

Mo Yu raised his brows, pleased to know the news.

They are currently residing a hotel as Mo Yu did small business here and there to gather various spices plants so they can cultivate them in Stellar Base. Mo Yu has planned to get a plant-based power in the apocalypse since plants are able to mutate but has low intelligent, thus making them suitable to be used as an armed force.

He smiled gently and closed the laptop. He walked to her and rubbed her bulging stomach. "You have taken a proper supplement so this wild girl inside your body is very active."

Crystal smiled warmly and nodded her head. Mo Yu gave her a new identity, brought her to shop her clothes and gave her a new haircut. Her skin has also gradually returned to original fair milky colour, not like the one from the fake tanning.

She found out from Mo Yu himself that he is gay and she was indifferent to it. She feels that Mo Yu is more like her guardian or godfather than a person for her to love. She knew that she does not deserve such a good person and she has also given up on finding a partner. She decided that even just by living with her baby is good enough for her.

"Yu-Kun, what will the baby's name be?"

(Kun = is a Japanese honorific, informal and mostly used for males.)

Mo Yu blinked his eyes. He looked at her stomach as if seriously thinking about it. In the end, he looked at her. "What do you want to name her?" They already knew the gender of the baby through the scan.

"I am not good at giving a name... I just wanted her to be happy and live well."

Mo Yu chuckled softly as he patted her hand. "Her name should be Wang Bing. Bing in Chinese character 邴 means happy. If you want her to live well, you have to be living well and healthy as well. Only then, you can know if she lived well or not."

Crystal rubbed her belly and smiled. Her cheeks are flushed pink as she thought of living with her baby.

"I will live well." She promised her baby.

Mo Yu sighed inwardly when he saw her genuine happy face. Crystal is still suffering from time to time to the backlash of the drug. Even with modern technology, he is only able to calm her momentarily and she needed to be watched all the time since it is possible for her to feel thirsty for the drug again.

Who knows for how long it has to go on. The doctors said that as long as she is strong willed, it won't be difficult for her to recover.

Mo Yu has prepared things in the Stellar Base for her. She will be under the care of one of the Mama of Night Street. The Mama offered to take care of her after knowing her story. Mo Yu wouldn't mind setting her up to work in somewhere else but Crystal insisted that this is the most suitable job for her. She said that she is not smart, didn't finish school and didn't have any other skill so she rather works in Night Street.

She also said that this type of work is not as bad as people thought. Sometimes, she would be able to meet new people and learn their story, making them smile will bring her joy as well.

Since she insisted, Mo Yu didn't pursue the topic anymore.

There were others that Mo Yu and his people saved, who were forced to sell their body at a young age because their parent threw them out and the society ostracized them but they weren't as pitiful as Crystal.

In any case, her living condition in Stellar Base will automatically be one hundred times better than when she is in her own homeland. She will have a house in the apartment he has reserved beforehand for the Night Street workers. The law he made in the Stellar Base will ensure there's no drug use aside from the pregnancy control pill and everyone from the Stellar Base will take a medical checkup every three months and dental checkup every six months for free.

Orphans below eighteen years old will automatically live in the dormitories in Academia. Adults with no relative without special talent will be grouped with four people in a group and be given a house to live in. The house will only be given to them for rent.

They can buy the house after they have enough points.

Stellar Base forbids common people from possessing mobile transportation except for bicycle since in the future, there will be people who can fly, can run as fast as lightning and there will be some people who ride beast as a mount if they have a taming ability. Only certain people will be allowed to possess mobile transportation for them to use personally.

Even though people can't have a car or bike, they still can ride buses and trains to go around the city. The train stations are the first thing Mo Yu made sure to finish first after Stellar Base is founded. The train connected to every town and it only takes fifteen minutes to go from town to another nearest town. It only takes one hour to go from the Industrial Zone to Wild Region by train.

There are trains for passengers and trains for items which is a larger and heavier train that worked underground unlike the trains for passengers that moved above highway-rail.

Aside from those public transportations, Mo Yu also made a balloon ship station located in Royal Town. The balloon ship will replace aeroplane in the future. The balloon ship can operate by itself or be carried by flying beasts. If operate by itself or by flying beast, it still needs to be fueled with coals. Balloon ship is safer than riding helicopter since it is practically wooden ship carried by the huge hot balloon. It has an open area where people can use their ability. It has cabins where people can rest. It can be operated manually or automatically with GPS like the aeroplane.

Stellar Base is a paradise for people who have always thought life is hell.

There's no need to worry about eating if one work. There's no need to worry about no work to do because one can pick up the task from the Nitor. There's always a job to be done so people don't have to worry about being jobless.


I was reading hentai manga and then came across this one manga where I find the protagonist extremely pitiful. I don't remember the protagonist name or the title but I remember the protagonist wished to name her daughter, Hana = flower in Japanese. However, the protagonist died from drug overdose after getting kicked by teenagers who robbed her money. I was sad when I read the manga. I wished to give the protagonist a better life so I made her character in this book, letting her meet our protagonist and lived a better life.

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Small Theatre:

Wu Jing Long: ... (ᇂ∀ᇂ╬)

Author: What happened to you? Why do you have such an unhappy face?

Wu Jing Long: ...(°ㅂ° ╬) (still dare to ask?)

Mo Yu: *sigh* Ha... o(-'д'- 。)

Author: ??? What happened to you guys?Σ(òДóノ;)ノ

Wu Jing Long & Mo Yu: We want to see each other.

(╬•᷅д•᷄╬)(。ò ∀ ó。)

Author: ヾ(_ _*) (シ_ _)シ sorry... Can't do that in this chapter.