
The people that Mo Yu invited since long time ago to enter the Stellar Base have started moving into the place to their new house with their family and furnishings. He invited various talented people, give them an important position either in politic or in other business, job and of course, a house.

He also invited famous fashion designers and he allowed them to choose which mall from One Star to Ten Stars Mall to build their shop. The house they lived in is in a specially built luxury apartment in the Residential Town. The apartment is way bigger and each house has a spa room and at the base of the apartment, there is a huge swimming pool and artificial hot spring bath.

People called the apartment as a Deluxe Apartment. The apartment is exclusive for talented people.

There are only three types of apartment in the Stellar Base. The majority apartment is the flat apartment that has four houses on a floor. They are neat, clean, cool and modernized but small. The other apartment is a simple luxury apartment that is big, nice, comfortable, and modern. The least type of apartment there is in the city would be the Deluxe Apartment.

Aside from the fashion designer, he has also managed to get surgeons, doctors, pharmacists, scientists, food developers, chefs, librarians, martial practitioners, farmers, actors, soldiers, leaders of the dark organization that has nothing to do with drugs, more expert blacksmiths, several explosion experts and developer, marine specialist and etc to be working in Stellar Base.

Depend on their talents and importance, Mo Yu gave them a house in the normal luxury apartment or Deluxe Apartment and a small land for them to manage freely. If they have enough points, they can buy or rent lands from other parts of the Stellar Base.

As for doctors and scientists, they were given a house with a basement in the Royal Town. Their house also connected to a small building which they can develop into their own personal operation room or whatever they like.

They will all be working in the same hospital in the Military Center except for some of them that are dispatched to small clinics in each area to handle emergency cases.

Mo Yu has collected every animal from all over the countries, from the zoos and the wild to be placed in the Wild Region. The people agreed because they won't have the time to take care of the animals.

The Wild Region is separated by reinforced glass walls. There are desert, savanna, forest, bamboo forest, rainforest, stony hills, warm area, glacial area, freshwater area, saltwater area and etc to suit the animals' living condition. The animals were transported through helicopters or metal containers through the sea by ships and placed into the areas that suited them.

The animals have the potential to mutate through the red phase but they won't be aggressive, unlike the animals that are mutated through Grim's virus. They will just be slightly smarter and powerful with extra abilities.

He not only collected wild animals from insect to large animals. He also collected many pets, stray or house domestic animals, knowing that people won't be able to take care of them. Unless people insisted to keep them in their house, he will take every cat, dog, guinea pig, hamster, rat, rabbit, the animal even aquatic creatures they have in their house.

The domestic animals are then placed in the Petting Zone.

Domestic animals have higher chance to mutate but they will be easier to tame.

There were so many animals but they will be put in good uses in the apocalypse. Foods are not a problem in the Stellar Base even with so many people and animals because Mo Yu will solve it through getting plant-based power.

Mutated animals also have a faster birth rate and bigger than the normal animal. Mutated chicken can give several eggs daily and after three days, the eggs will hatch. They also matured earlier so after the apocalypse, the mutated cows, mutated chicken can be given to the predator animals in the Wild Region as a daily feed. They are also safe to be consumed by normal people, has spectacular taste as well. They are only stronger and only a bit more intelligent than normal animals.

If they are sold in the grocery shop, they would be a little bit more pricey than normal meat due to the exquisite taste and the difficulty to kill the mutated animal.

Plants can also mutate but not all of them have the ability to move. Some of them just have poison ability or ability to eat things. In any case, apart from the poison one, everything else would be safe to consume. Even the poisonous plants can be eaten after removing the poisonous part. They breed and matured fast.

That's why Mo Yu wasn't afraid to gather so many people and animals. He knew that in the future, they will be put in good use.


"Ngh... hmm..."

Wu Jing Long was discussing with the people he had gathered to maintain the stability of the Stellar Base when he heard Mo Yu's groaning on the bed. He turned off the holographic screen and walked over to his beautiful partner.

"Yu?" He called out gently and patted the latter's head to ease the frowning.

Mo Yu opened his eyes abruptly and pushed him away before running to the bathroom.

Wu Jing Long was stunned when he got pushed away. Mo Yu has never pushed him away. His brows knitted in worry as he followed after the man and heard the latter barfed to the toilet.

"Yu Er?" He patted the man's back to help ease his discomfort.

Mo Yu trembled as he continued to barf nothing into the toilet. He wiped his mouth and went to the sink to gargle. He spat the water to the sink and wiped his mouth.

He looked at Wu Jing Long with teary eyes and sighed. "I feel nauseated..." He was a bit confused to why he feels this way. He didn't drink wine so he is perfectly sober but he felt nauseated and it was as if the world is spinning on him.

Wu Jing Long furrowed his brows even further. He hugged the man's waist and asked in concern. "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Mo Yu leaned his head to the youth's chest and nodded lightly. "En... I don't feel too good."

Without saying any word further, Wu Jing Long carried him in his arms and walked down the elevator of the palace. He gestured his head to a butler. "Prepare the car. The lord will be going to the hospital."

The servant nodded and rush ahead to speak to the driver.

Meanwhile in the car, Wu Jing Long kept on patting Mo Yu's back to ease him. When the older guy wanted to vomit and the youth offered his jacket but nothing came out even when he vomits. Wu Jing Long kissed his forehead and eased him with words that it will be alright.

His eyes darkened as he thought of the probability of Mo Yu being poisoned by someone. If he knows who dares to poison Mo Yu, he will make them wish they are dead.

The moment they arrived at the hospital, they were given priority due to their status. The doctor is a woman and when she scanned Mo Yu's body, she doesn't dare to confirm it at once or say it to the pair. She went to call another three doctors and they all came to the same conclusion.

Their body trembled as their pupils wavered. After a while, they resigned to their fate and told Wu Jing Long about Mo Yu's complication.

"The Lord is pregnant..."

Wu Jing Long blinked his eyes. "What?"

The doctors broke in a cold sweat as the woman repeated. They don't know how such a thing could happen to a man. "The Lord is pregnant with two children... He has two fetuses in his womb."

Wu Jing Long grabbed the woman's shoulder and asked excitedly. "Really?! Yu is pregnant?!"

The woman and the doctors were surprised to death by his reaction. They nodded their head that still paled aghast and saw the latter rushed in flash like lightning into the room to hug Mo Yu.

When Mo Yu saw the doctors' expression on their face, he just shook his head and smiled helplessly. They were worried about his body but Wu Jing Long was more excited to learn the news.

He was mildly surprised to know that he is pregnant with a twin in his womb. He spreads the news to the world and soon, demanded to give a clear explanation.

People are watching the television with obvious curiosity plastered on their face.

The beautiful man is clad in white, noble gentleman suit. He spoke in a smooth and clear voice.

"The reason I am able to be pregnant is that I am a reincarnator. A reincarnator is a body constitution awakened through the unconventional mean, not through Red Phase.

Anyone that has their body constitution awakened will be able to give birth, regardless of their gender and races of them and their partners. Even in woman and man's relationship, man can give birth. The woman in woman relationship also can give birth.

After the apocalypse, the woman will no longer have a menstrual cycle but they still can give birth." When this made public to the world, women all over the world cheered.

The man continued. "This can happen because one just needs to have perfect compatibility in their mental wavelength with their partner. Their emotion and mind have to reach perfect compatibility to be able to impregnate the other. Anyone who takes the bottom role in the relationship will be the carrier.

If the compatibility in mental wavelength is not reached, the relationship will not be a successful one. They will want to kill each other until one of them stops breathing.

Men will develop a womb once they are pregnant while women already have wombs. A woman can give birth through the traditional mean, while the man will need to cut their stomach open through the surgical process. People with their body constitution awakened have a higher recovery rate than normal people so cutting one's stomach open is nothing.

The pregnancy for man is similar to normal pregnancy for the woman. They will feel nauseous, constantly feel hungry and has some craving. They will suffer from backache and etc.

One still has to do sexual intercourse to impregnate someone so it is not possible to impregnate someone with just thought or mind manipulation. Only those who reached the perfect compatibility in mental wavelength can have children while those who don't have compatibility in mental wavelength will want to kill each other.

Do not even think of raping someone because both the victim and the predator will end up killing each other since there's no compatibility at all.

If anyone wants to avoid pregnancy, they can take pregnancy pill control that is recently developed by the Stellar Company, created to work for both male and female. They have no side effect on the human's body. They will weaken the fertility of someone in a duration of twenty days. The chance to have a child while the medicine is in effect is almost zero percent."

The man smiled and patted his belly. "These pair of twin will be the new generation of the apocalypse world. Rather than calling their generation world as apocalypse, I am more comfortable to call the new era as Revolution."

He stood up and left the screen. One can see from the corner of the screen a handsome man with kingly disposition hugging the beautiful man as they left.

Their loving figures didn't leave the camera lens until later.

Revolution Era. People have started to call the upcoming ending as Revolution Era. They knew that Stellar Base and several other bases all over the world would be the new empire.

The government knew of this. However, they can't do anything because Wu Jing Long showed his power to them. Without killing anyone, he showed that he can crush even the launched nuclear bomb within the wrap of his space power in split second.

He can teleport anywhere from a distant although for now, he can only teleport alone. That alone is still overwhelming for the government.

In the end, the countries' government decided to lay low, back down until it is time to rise. They couldn't effort to offend the newly rising great powerhouse. They rather focus on surviving and preparing for the Revolution Era.