
Crystal was the first person among the many to visit Mo Yu and congratulated him. A while later, every other people who worked for Mo Yu also congratulated him briefly while the people who worked for Wu Jing Long congratulated the man for becoming a father.

She carried Wang Bing in her arm as she met Mo Yu in the palace's hall. Her hair is already as long as her waist. She is dressed in black simple but elegant halter and in her arm is a cute girl about the age of five with hair tied in a ponytail, dressed in similar black but a frilly dress.

"Yu-Kun, congratulation~" She hugged Mo Yu and smiled warmly at him. She looked at Wu Jing Long and laughed. "So both of you will be a parent? Will you be a father and mother or father and father?" She asked jokingly.

Wu Jing Long was not happy when she hugged Mo Yu but when she asked the question, he smiled. He hugged Mo Yu's waist and grinned. "Of course it would be father and mother."

Mo Yu glared at him with the corner of his eyes. "No. I want it to be Father and Jun Father."

Wu Jing Long tilted his head with his big eyes staring at Mo Yu, slightly questioning.

Mo Yu ignored his stares and uttered blatantly. "I will set up a royalty system. The monarch will be called Emperor (Huang) regardless of their gender. Female Empress will be Huang Hou (empress, queen) while Male Empress will be Huang Jun (monarch, lord). Female concubine will be Gui Fei, Male concubine will be Jun Pin.

Princess is Wang Fei and Prince is Wang Ye, there's no change but their partners will be Qi Fei for the female and Qi Jun for the male.

The children must call the one that gives birth to them as Yang mother for the woman and Jun father for the man. As for their parent that didn't give birth to them, they just need to call them in a normal way. For common people, it is fine to make their children refer to them as they liked.

What are you looking at me like that for?" Mo Yu knitted his brows together when he saw Wu Jing Long smiling dotingly at him.

"You are talking about royalty... Does that mean I will be an Emperor? Will you be my empress?"

Mo Yu bit his lower lip, couldn't resist smiling when Wu Jing Long shamelessly flirted with him. "Hmph. I will be the lord in Stellar Base. If you want to be the Emperor, build your own!" He slapped the man's hand that is hugging his waist.

Wu Jing Long chuckled softly. "Sure, sure... I will be building my empire and you will be my empress."

Crystal chuckled softly as she hugged her daughter. Wang Bing also giggled when she saw Wu Jing Long coaxed uncle Mo Yu. The bigger uncle always surrendered to the beautiful uncle but the former always twisted the words to win the situation.

Wang Bing called Mo Yu and Wu Jing Long as uncle and knew they are a pair. She was taught by Crystal that in this world, man and woman being together is the norm but man and man or woman and woman also can be together because of love.

Crystal made a good mother for Wang Bing. She mainly worked as a hostess at the other night club that Mama from Pigeon Nightclub introduced her. Her job does not involve sex. She is working as a hostess, serving the customer with wine and other services that do not involve sex.

She worked at night and rest during the day while also taking care of her daughter. She sleeps only five hours per day and used the rest day to spend time with Wang Bing. During the weekdays, she sends Wang Bing to kindergarten. Once every three weeks, she would bring Wang Bing to meet Mo Yu. During weekends, if she has nothing to do, she would bring Wang Bing to the Petting Zone or the parks at Residential Town to play.

Wang Bing is polite, cute, acting appropriate with her age, a bit spoiled but she is just pure and innocent. Mo Yu would give her things from time to time, not too much to avoid burdening Crystal and to avoid shaping her personality into depending too much on wealth. He either gave her foods or casual toys to play.

Even if Mo Yu didn't give the girl toys to play, Crystal is rich enough to spoil her daughter but she didn't do it for the girl's sake. She doesn't want her daughter to be dirtied by the world's materialistic mentality.

The four talked for a while before Crystal took her sleepy girl to home.

Everyone from the Stellar Base has bought a Nitor for themselves and their family. It functioned as their identity card and phone. People can buy games to install in their Nitor and be played on the touchable holographic screen so they wouldn't be bored.

Thanks to his pregnancy, Mo Yu forced to rest and relax. Wu Jing Long took over Mo Yu's duty to manage the base while the latter rested. Although Wu Jing Long handled most major matters, Mo Yu still handled some others that are minor.

There was a case where a kid tried to steal another kid's Nitor and in just a few seconds, the Nitor was found thanks to the GPS function. The kid is punished by Mo Yu and disciplined by his parent. The case is kept secret and the identity of the kid is not exposed. Even the kid who got his Nitor stolen from him didn't know the identity of the thief. However, if the kid does it twice, his identity will be exposed and he will be punished severely.

The Nitor detected the owner's voice, iris identification or fingerprint so only the owner and Nitor developers can use the Nitor. It is impossible to steal points from other people's Nitor.

Mo Yu made rules that if people lost their Nitor, they have to immediately report to the Nitor Center by going to the centre or call the centre using a public phone or other people's Nitor. If the Nitor can be located through GPS, the owner will be charged 1,000 points for losing it accidentally or not, under the crime of carelessness. If it can't be located, the Nitor will be digitally destroyed and the person has to make another Nitor and re-register. A common Nitor is 1,000 points, a registration fee is 100 points.

People can have more than one Nitor but only one has their identity card while the rest just have the Nitor functions without an identity card.

The lowest monthly wage in Stellar Base is three thousand points which should be for trash cleaners. Average monthly wage is ten thousand to twenty thousand points. House rent in Stellar Base is around five hundred to one thousand points.

The house rent in the flat apartment is only five hundred points per month or one thousand points if they decided to combine two houses to one. The house rent in luxury apartment would be five thousand points. For Deluxe Apartment, it would be ten thousand points for rent but no one would rent out their house in the Deluxe Apartment to other people unless they have a house in Royal Town.

The Shopping District's building rent is around three thousand to eight thousand points per month.

Nitor is cheap but the upgrades are expensive but affordable. Nitor Developers mostly made money by the upgrading or making games and apps and a game is around twenty to fifty points.

1 point can buy 2 pieces of candies or a 100ml bottle of water. A meal in a restaurant is at least 10 points and can reach up to a few hundred points.

The monthly electric bill for an average household like Crystal's house is only seven to eight hundred points. She has a microwave, a refrigerator, basic electric kitchen tools, a 17 x 28 inch LED TV, Nitor chargers, homey water distillation system, electric heaters and air conditioners in each room. The house is given to her so she does not have to pay rent.

Crystal's monthly wage is about six to nine thousand per months depends on her popularity rate. The lowest she ever gets would be six thousand per months.

Stellar Base has official holidays where everyone except those that worked in emergency units will have a good rest to celebrate the days. The people that have to work during the holidays are given a half year bonus by the employer.

On every 30th March, Red Phase will be a holiday for everyone. Father's day, Mother's day, Teacher's day will be a holiday as well but not everyone is given a day off. Although there's no religious activity anymore, there will still be Halloween celebration, Christmas celebration, New Year, Valentine, White Day and Lantern Festival.

Once every four years during 29th February, when the sun is the brightest when the day is longer than the night, the day will be called Sun Blessing. There's nothing special about the day except the sun feels the warmest during that day.

He planned to make a Sun Blessing Festival as well with various festive activities.

When there's Sun Blessing, there's naturally a Moon Over. It happens once every ten years. The day when the sun is the dimmest, where the moon is the brightest when the night is three days long without day to be seen.

There will be a festival as well to celebrate for the days without fears. There is plaza district in the Residential Town where it has a spacious open area. Mo Yu planned to hold a dancing festival, cooking gruel and eat huge towering cake in that area. There would also be performances from the true dancers, singers and idols.

Out of holidays, there is one that is not worthy to celebrate but worthy to be feared.

Harvest Festival – Happen during a solar eclipse. The day when the Grim became the most active, rampantly cross the continents to destroy everything at sight. This day is when the Grim developed an eye.


After Mo family found out that Mo Yu is pregnant, they immediately rushed over to from Black Dwarf to the Stellar's Grand Palace by riding the balloon ship. The balloon ship landed on the platform in the Grand Palace's courtyard.

The head butler welcomed them and guided them to the palace's dining hall where Mo Yu is waiting.

Hua Ning was quick on her feet. As soon as she entered the dining hall, she went over to hug Mo Yu that was standing not too far from the door to welcome them. Wu Jing Long was standing at his side.

Mo Xuan smiled brightly but his eyes are not smiling as he pushed Wu Jing Long away. Mo Xuan's siblings also rushed over to hug Mo Yu while pushing Wu Jing Long far away. They were not normally like this. They are usually cordial and warm with Wu Jing Long even though Wu Jing Long origin does not belong to Mo family.

Mo Yu just shook his head as people crowded him and laughed softly while Wu Jing Long smiled bitterly.

Hua Ning hugged Mo Yu and eyed Wu Jing Long with blaming eyes. She rubbed Mo Yu's stomach with tenderness and spoke in slightly blaming tone. "To think the small baby you brought into your home ended up being the one to make you bear two more babies..."

Wu Jing Long scratched his head awkwardly, not really knowing what to say about that. Whether it's the past or now, Mo Yu is far older than him so he can't do anything about that. He still loves Mo Yu nevertheless and never sees Mo Yu as a senior.

Mo Xuan smiled brightly but his voice is trembling. His narrowed eyes are boldly glaring at the culprit. "I thought that since my brother is older, he would be the top. To think that the stinky brat topped my esteemed brother, I truly wonder what lion's heart did he eats to be able to have this much courage."

"Brother, you said it correctly. I initially thought the stinky brat is cute but now, he is no longer cute. His gut surely has grown over the top to be thinking that he fit as eldest brother's husband." A woman dressed in purple faded in orange like dusk sky spoke in a begrudging tone. She is Mo Xue (snow), a famous actress in the entertainment world but recently stopped working after Mo Xuan told her that she needs to move into the Black Dwarf and focus on apocalypse preparation.

The other girl by her side and the boy who is the youngest of Mo Yu's sibling added some words in support. The girl is Mo Xing (star) and the boy is Mo Xiao (smile).

Wu Jing Long coughed awkwardly.

Mo Han patted Mo Yu's head and sighed. "I thought you would bring in a cute and gentle wife. Never mind, father is okay regardless of the type you choose as your partner."

Mo Yu clamped his lips together to avoid laughing.

The not-cute-or-gentle-wife Wu Jing Long hid his hands behind his back and straightened his back to avoid showing weakness as he was attacked ruthlessly by Mo Yu's family member who expected this and that, showing how unpleased they are with him for impregnating their respectful son.

After appeasing his family with a feast, Mo Yu went to comfort his sulking husband.

The big dog has turned into his beast form and now sulking on their bed. The black pointy ears lowered sulkily and showed its back to Mo Yu, refusing to look at him.

"I'm not cute... I'm not gentle... I'm too young... my courage is over the top. I'm not suitable to be anyone's husband." The wolf muttered in low voice.

Mo Yu smiled widely when he saw the black wolf with a gloomy shadow covered its body. He walked toward it and hugged the wolf from behind. He nibbled on the wolf's ear teasingly and spoke in a hoarse, seductive voice. "Jing... my love."

The fluffy tail wagged left and right. They are more expressive and honest when they are in beast form.

So cute. Mo Yu thought secretly to himself and went up to change into his beast form. He transformed into white-winged snow panther and lied cutely in front of the wolf. His slick tail teased the protagonist's ball. The wolf's golden eyes flashed dangerously.

Soon, the two transformed back to their human form and rolled in bed with hyper lovemaking act.


Mo Yu's youngest sibling, Mo Xiao is five years older than Wu Jing Long. Thus, they were reluctant to call him the older brother in law, especially Mo Xuan who can be Wu Jing Long's uncle at his age.

Despite that, they were secretly pleased by Wu Jing Long. They could see that Wu Jing Long respected Mo Yu but is very protective and possessive of him. Wu Jing Long is also not a normal person. At a young age of fifteen, he is already a widely known leader of underworld organization that specialized in the military. Besides, he is also no less talented than Mo Yu in business.

Anything Mo Yu did, he can do it fine or better even at his young age.

He is handsome and matured, talented, wealthy, strong, smart, gentle and loving for his lover. Mo Han approved of this son-in-law for his son's happiness.

In the past, the boy would call him father as a son but in current time, he called him, father as the son-in-law. Mo Han truly would not expect this day to come.

In any case, after a roundabout of teasing and abusing the pitiful man, they tactfully acknowledged him. Mo Yu's siblings gritted their teeth as they called Wu Jing Long brother-in-law but since it wasn't a norm in Chinese, they changed Jie Zhang to Ge Zhang.

(Jie is sister, Ge is brother. Jie Zhang is older sister's husband, brother-in-law. Sao is older brother's wife.)

Wu Jing Long's mood is better that day after being comforted by his wife and acknowledged by his wife's family. When the people in the basement of the Stellar Base's main building saw him smiling, they wondered if any of them will be in trouble today. They have been busy at work so they didn't watch the television and no one inform them of the news. They are worried because the Dark Emperor will only smile when someone entered his eyes and he will cause the person to wish to never live.

The Dark Emperor's smile does not mean anything good!