Wu Jing Long's Mother came to visit (1)

There is a tax system in Stellar Base. The money collected from the tax will be stored in the royal warehouse. The tax is called the land tax, taken 3% from yearly wage from every individual that possessed a house, not rent.

There's no tax in food, service or whatever.

The medical and military are fully supported by the Lord of the place. Military officers get monthly allowance even without working. Medical officers also get monthly allowance and wage based on their working time.

Since there are so many people, the people working in the hospital and school find themselves more relaxed than when they are working outside of the base. They are able to work in shift except for those that are working as surgeons. Even then, the surgeons are able to take a rest for a day after working on a patient.

The tools and medicine are complete in a set, in the most advanced technology so their working time is lesser.

In fact, if the government is not so greedy and rich people are willing to invest everything in medical technology, doctors wouldn't suffer from not being able to sleep and working all day long.

Stellar Base Lord, Mo Yu controlled the money system of giving out points fairly through Nitor and he invested everything in medical and military using the money he made from Stellar Company, so, he was able to make the life for medical workers easier.

It was the same for school. He made sure that there are at least three teachers for two grades for every subject, meaning if there are seven subjects in taught school, there would be at least 126 teachers in that school since school will teach students from age 7 to 17.

There are so many teachers in a school. The time the student spent in school is also shortened. Students only learned from 7 in the morning to twelve at noon. They would have a curriculum only one to two hours from one o'clock in the evening to three o'clock in the evening.

Their rest time is longer and ten in the morning is dedicated to the student for self-study while the teachers rested or have a meeting that will only happen once a month.

With such a perfect education, economic, technology and human welfare system, created by Mo Yu, Wu Jing Long hardly ever needs to hold up a meeting with the ministers appointed.

Obviously, there are ministers.

They were appointed by Wu Jing Long to assist him in managing Stellar Base. The Administration Office is at the Royal Town, the only building aside from residential allowed.

The Minister of Economy watched over the Nitor System to make sure it is well-balanced. He keeps track with the records to make sure there's no point given out without purpose. The points that are given out will keep the Stellar Base flourish.

Mo Yu forbade even himself from giving out points to himself even if he could do it.

As the Lord of the place, he is given a monthly allowance of around one hundred thousand points a month. He also received the tax money from the people for living in his city.

Nitor gives out points to Ministers and people who will receive monthly allowance automatically. It gives monthly wage to doctors, teachers, police, firefighter, soldiers and etc.

Nitor has an AI to keep record data, gives points accordingly to the deserved people. The AI is under Mo Yu's control but no one says anything because he put everything in order and did everything with fairness. The AI obeyed his words to only listen to him. People can take out records of point distribution from the AI but it won't listen to them if they tried to order it to do something.

The Minister of Commercial and Land Estate kept track on the businesses and land rental management.

Aside from the two ministers, the other ministers have no real use yet but they are also working as per Wu Jing Long's order.

The Minister of Education, Minister of Military and Safety, Minister of Human's Welfare, Minister of Agricultural, Minister of Technology and Science, they are all working. Although they couldn't hold themselves back from accepting a bribe, Mo Yu didn't do anything to them as long as they knew the boundary. As long as they don't disturb the system he created for the base, they are fine to do things as they liked.

The people that are accepting bribe would give small misgiving to some people but Mo Yu also have laws. There are court and policies. People can report the minister to the police station or to the mayor if they wanted but no one has truly suffered from misgiving in the Stellar Base so everything is fine.

Taking a bribe, giving bribe for favour, human's nature is as such. They might be bad but if controlled properly, they won't do any harm. Mo Yu made sure that as long as they don't disturb the peace he created for the base, they are free to do anything as they like.

Wu Jing Long also agreed so he didn't mind the ministers' small flaws. He only warned them to never provoke Mo Yu, the real owner of Stellar Base and the systems he made.

They also knew the boundary and knew what benefits them, whatnots.


In the royal bedroom, two men, one dressed in white while the other is wearing a casual red shirt since he just finished doing a quick workout. The man in red is staring at the other man that refused to look at him.



Wu Jing Long stared at the man in white clothes whose stomach is slightly bulging. Both of them are quiet, especially quiet. The man in white clothes had slightly blushing face and not willing to look at Wu Jing Long who was stubbornly staring at him.

In the end, Mo Yu couldn't bear the silence and threw a pillow to the man. "Don't look at me anymore!"

Wu Jing Long chortled through his nose and dodged the pillow. He crawled to the man's side and patted his body. "Now, now... don't be angry wife. Even when you farted, it smells nice."

Mo Yu's face is as red as a tomato when the youth brought up the matter. "Shut up!!"

Wu Jing Long chuckled and kissed the man's cheek. "Alright, I won't say it anymore. Don't be angry... It's not good for your health."

Mo Yu pursed his lips, not willing to look at his husband.

He had craving for sweet potato and he ate so much of them that now, he couldn't stop farting.

He tried to make it soundless as possible but who would have thought the moment his husband left the bathroom, he would fart as loud as a bomb!

Wu Jing Long patted the cute bulging stomach and smiled. "Wife, won't you eat more?"

"Don't want!" Mo Yu slapped his hand and huffed in anger. He is extremely embarrassed after the incident earlier and wished to forget about it entirely.

He changed into his beast form and hide under the blanket.

"Wife~~" Wu Jing Long was slightly happy when he found out his cool wife is also easily embarrassed.

"Don't talk to me!" Mo Yu said while still hiding under the blanket.

Du du...

Wu Jing Long was about to comfort his wife a bit more but a call interrupted him. He touched the black Nitor on his wrist and answered the call. A man around the age of forty appeared in the holographic screen. He bowed respectfully and spoke in a low voice. "My Lord, there's someone requesting to meet you. She said she is your mother. She came with her husband and children."

Mo Yu peek his head outside of the blanket and saw Wu Jing Long's dark face. He crawled out from his hiding and placed his paw on Wu Jing Long's leg.

Wu Jing Long looked at the snow panther and smiled. He spoke to the man in the Nitor. "Made her wait. I will be meeting her."

Mo Yu changed back into his human form and grabbed Wu Jing Long's face. He kissed the man's lips and smiled tenderly. "I will go with you."

Wu Jing Long shook his head. "They are unpredictable. They might hurt you. I won't let anyone that has bad intention whether it's to me or you to get close to you."

Mo Yu's smile turned gentler, his eyes softened. "I will be more careful. They won't be able to touch me."

"... Alright." He reluctantly agreed.

Wu Jing Long's assistant made his mother and her family waited in the 5 stars restaurant in the Residential Town.

As he made way to the place by car with Mo Yu at his side, people cheered loudly when they saw Mo Yu. Even though there are celebrities and famous people gathered in Stellar Base, Mo Yu has the highest popularity. He is especially more popular after he is pregnant and made his relationship with Wu Jing Long known to the world.

Mo Yu waved his hand to the people that waved their hand toward him as Wu Jing Long drive the car leisurely, not really minding the fact his birth mother and family is waiting.

He stopped right in front of the restaurant and passed his key to the attendant to park his car. He held Mo Yu's hand in his arm and went up to the hall where his said family is waiting.


Ru Feiqing lived her life extravagantly after she sold her baby to the rich man. Only later she found out that she sold her baby to the CEO of Stellar Company and regretted not asking for more money.

Few weeks after she sold her baby, a distant relative visited their house inviting them to a mansion since the Ru Head family is having a dying will. He wanted to gather his children, grandchildren, together and select one person among them to be the heir that will inherit the Ru family's wealth.

Since they have the ten million Ru Feiqing got from selling her son, her family is not doing so bad to represent themselves in the elite circle of the Ru family.

They lived under the spotlight meeting with various elite people, living a wealthy life for seven years until Ru Head family died and chose a girl as the heir.

The ten million are spent just like that and they don't have any money left. They could only go back to their old life but Ru Feiqing's children are not willing. They have been living so extravagantly and made friends with rich people so how could they be willing?

They demanded Ru Feiqing to do something. Even her husband urged her to find a way for him to be able to mingle in the elite circle.

In the end, purely out of coincidence, she saw the familiar man, Mo Yu sending Wu Jing Long to the school. She knew right away, the handsome boy that is dressed in a prestigious school uniform is her son. He has her eyes.

She waited for days to meet her son.

Then, one day, Mo Yu came late and Wu Jing Long was on his own.

Ru Feiqing went to him and with a crying face, she hugged him, saying that she is his mother. She showed a copy of his birth document. She gave the original to Mo Yu and kept the copy.

She thought even if he has speculation, he would treat her warmly after knowing the truth.

He called Mo Yu and told him that he will be meeting someone so the latter doesn't have to retrieve him. He invited her to a restaurant, treated her like an adult would to another adult.

She was surprised to know that he has a credit card, a platinum one. When she asked about it and thought that Mo Yu gave him the card, he said that it is his own wealth.

Mo Yu gave him Wu surname and Wu family's wealth.

Ru Feiqing was shocked but her eyes flashed in greediness, not realizing that her son has been observing her from the start. She told him that she missed him and etc but he remained unmoved.

"Seven years... You waited seven years to find me and say that you missed me." Wu Jing Long said in a sneer.

Mo Yu has never block Wu Jing Long from seeing anyone. Ru Feiqing might not able to contact Mo Yu but she knew who he is. If she truly missed her son, she can call Delta and asked permission to meet her son.

Yet, she didn't do it.

She has two sons and two daughters before Wu Jing Long so she won't ever miss the son that she has very little memory with.

Ru Feiqing didn't understand the smile at first but she finds his words as weird. She gave excuses of not knowing where to find him but he eloquently said that no one in China doesn't know about Stellar and the man name Mo Yu. He said that Delta left her number with her.

He smiled but without warmth. "You gave birth to me but the one who took care of me is someone else. Since you gave birth to me, I won't be stingy. Tell me how much you want. I will give you but you have to promise to never bother me or Mo Yu ever again."


Author's Note:

I'm sorry if the story is lacking in many ways. Even though this is BL story, it focus on the world building.

There have been too many info-dumped in the book for the early chapters since they are important to take note of. This book is just to let me practice my writing skill. The one that I will truly focus quality on would be the second book, "The Grim (Book 2)". In Book One, there will be a lot of info dump but in the second book, it will be about the character's adventure. There will be a lot of action than telling. It is a continuation for the book one but has a different protagonist.

You can choose to wait for book two if you want but it probably will take a long time for the book one to finish.