Wu Jing Long's Mother came to visit (2)

Ru Feiqing stifled when she listened to his cold words.

Wu Jing Long said such a thing for a reason. She sold him for money. No one is forcing her.

She sold their relation for money. They should not have any relation anymore or it would be disrespectful to the person that bought him.

Even though she has a right to meet him as his mother, he has a right to not meet her as the person she sold.

Even then, Wu Jing Long was testing her. If she is genuinely treating him as her son, he won't ask him for money and ask him to live with her again. Yet, she did as he expected.

She lowered her head in shame but her mouth still spoke for a precise amount. "One billion."

Wu Jing Long closed his eyes in disappointment. He took out a cheque and wrote exactly one and nine zeros. He signed the cheque and gave her the money.

"Never call out to me ever again." He said coldly and left the place.

The woman cried but he didn't buy it. What is she crying for? She came abruptly and told him that she missed him so much but not once, she told him that she loved him. She said that she is his mother. She took care of him for ten months.

She only came to find him after he is seven years old and her purpose to find him is for money.

He naturally knew from Mo Yu that Ru Head family selected a girl from a common family related to Ru family as the heir. His real parent has used up their money and Mo Yu has warned him that they might find him one day to ask for money. He knew that and tested his mother to see her sincerity.

If she truly missed him, he will try to forgive her and allow her to live with him. As for his greedy siblings and father, they can live without his care.

Yet, she didn't hesitate to speak out an exact number that has obviously been her target.

That's why Wu Jing Long didn't buy any of it when she cried. What is she crying for? Shame? Regret? Wu Jing Long doesn't think it was any of the two. She just wanted people to sympathize her instead of finding fault with her.

Mo Yu didn't know the story of Wu Jing Long meeting with his mother. He only knows the latter took out one billion from the saving and gave it to Ru Feiqing.

Ru Feiqing didn't make the same foolish action. She separated half of the money into another private account and used it to make a business and distributed the other half to her children and husband.

Ten years passed since then and Wu Jing Long is already graduating from school. Ru Feiqing found out that he has become another formidable businessman in trading and marketing. He is also the owner of Jewel Casino, casino for elites. He is no less successful than Mo Yu who is decades older than him.

Ru Feiqing only managed to open several branches of café under her name around the world. Although she has a name in the business, she could only look up to her son's footing.

She envied her son, his fate, his wealth, his fortune. She wanted to have what he has but forgetting that she was the one who destroyed the second chance he gave her.

Her husband is too used to bribing people to make his life easier and ended up in jail. Her other sons mingled with the wrong group of rich children then raped a girl and were sent to jail. Her daughters chased after the rich and handsome son of a noble family, ended up attracting troubles from the son's fiancés.

Her family only gives her trouble without stop but she loved them so she couldn't stand seeing them in trouble. She saved them but then, her business is destroyed by insiders. In the end, they returned back to commoner life. Her husband and children no longer demand her to find the solution but they went by themselves to demand money from Wu Jing Long.

Wu Jing Long didn't give them money. Instead, he asked them if they have ever given him money.

They couldn't refute him and tried to blacken his reputation by making noises in social media. People at first sided with them but they were forced to hide quickly after Mo Yu publicly announced that Wu Jing Long is bought by him from his mother when the boy is only ten months old. He put up the advertisement to adopt a child with certain facial shape and Wu Jing Long matched exactly as the description.

No one is forcing Ru Feiqing to sell her son.

She does not he a debt before Mo Yu put up the advertisement and Mo Yu gave her ten million dollars in exchange for her son.

When the public found out about it, they bashed the family for selling their son and shamelessly demand more money after the abandoned son is rich.

Wu Jing Long then showed a video of him meeting with Ru Feiqing. The video entailed how she cried, saying that she missed him but not even an hour passed, she readily stated one billion to stop her from calling out to him.

Wu Jing Long looked the most disappointed in the video. He didn't say anything but everyone knew that he was just testing her. One billion is big for common people but for him and Mo Yu, one billion is a common investment.

The public condemned the mother and the shameless people that demanded Wu Jing Long for money.

They also said that Wu Jing Long should stop giving money to the ungrateful people that only know to find him when they need money.

Wu Jing Long and Mo Yu both are active in charity and public commitment. Even though Mo Yu offended many people by creating Stellar Base, his compensation is enough to make those people live one hundred years in luxury as long as they are not wasteful.

He also took in the homeless to live in Stellar Base and work for him. Even though he does not donate a cent to homeless, he gave them a chance to live like normal people. He gave them a job opportunity.

Wu Jing Long also donated in every school, gives a monthly allowance to diligent students and sponsored the events even the trivial one the school made for students.

Both of them are famous figure and influential in the society so people sided with them almost immediately after learning the true story.

Ru Feiqing's life became worse after that. Her family is forced to hide and live quietly. Her husband became addicted to gambling. Her children ditched school to do various bad activities like thieving and her saving is slowly diminishing.

She thought it will stop there but then, the world is shocked by the news of Apocalypse that will happen in about a year. She flustered and regretted almost everything she did.

Her family, friends and neighbours stopped whatever they were doing to pile foods and water, build walls around their house to prepare for the apocalypse. Her children suggested to seek Wu Jing Long for help and remembered that Mo Yu is the owner of Stellar Base but Ru Feiqing burst in rage for the first time, warning them to stop looking for Wu Jing Long. Wu Jing Long has surname Wu and not Zhang like them.

She thought that was the last time they would mention Wu Jing Long but then, just a few months away before the apocalypse, Mo Yu shocked the world with the news of his pregnancy.

He also made it known officially that he is Wu Jing Long's wife. They married secretly since long ago with only a few people, not even his family attending the wedding. Wu Jing Long is the husband.

Ru Feiqing is already a grandmother and has two grandchildren belongs to her eldest son and third daughter. She does not love them as much as she thought she would due to the fact she has to support her family on her own. However, the moment she saw Mo Yu with the bulging stomach, her heart was filled with regret.

She can see her son's tenderness when he hugged Mo Yu. She can see the two are living happily. She wished to return to the time when Mo Yu came to her house to ask for her baby. She wouldn't ask for money. She will give him back his money.

She wanted to be able to see her son every day again even though she wouldn't be rich.

Her other children lacked respect in her. They only think of ways to use her to provide money for them. She can see that despite Wu Jing Long's coldness, he is still respecting her as his mother, the one that gives birth to him.

Her private bank account should have been frozen because of bankruptcy but it is still active and when she checked it for the first time, she saw nine billion in that account. When she investigates where the money came from, she found out that it was Wu Jing Long who sent the money.

He didn't stop sending money to her even after they have broken their relationship. Ru Feiqing didn't use that money but her heart was filled with regret, warmth and love.

Ru Feiqing is already passed forty years old. She dressed simply in an orange dress as she sat in the restaurant while waiting for her son.

She wanted to see him at least for the last time before they are greeted by the apocalypse. She only wanted to talk to him, see him with her two eyes without any other purpose before she dies. She wanted to see his happy face, knowing that he lived well with someone he loved.

Her family is fidgeting while they waited. They insisted on following her when they found out that she wanted to meet Wu Jing Long.

Their eyes shone in greed the moment they entered Stellar Base and saw the neat and modern design of the place. When they saw people leaving and entering the small yet cool looking apartment, their eyes flashed in greed.

They have to find a way to make Wu Jing Long give them a place to live in the Stellar Base.

Ru Feiqing sat quietly in the seat prepared for her. The moment the room's door opened she looked at the door and saw two familiar men. The man in the white suit does not age, not ever since they met for the first time. His hair is soft, let freely down his head. His black hair is medium length. He kept a longer hair ever since he is pregnant, making him appear androgynous.

The man in the black suit looked more regal as he grew older than the last time she met him. His eyes are cold as they glanced at the people in the room. His black hair is combed neatly to the side revealing his thick brows straight and sharp like a sword.

His eyes reached Ru Feiqing.

"Madam Ru." Mo Yu greeted with a smile on his face.

Ru Feiqing smiled back at him and bowed her head. "This commoner greets Lord Yu."

Since the upcoming ending is made known to the world, everyone, including the outsiders referred to the owner of the base as Lord. Not referring to the owner of the base as lord will be regarded as disrespectful since it means they don't acknowledge the base owner as the lord of the place.

"It's alright. This is a reunion between family members so you don't have to be so polite with me." Mo Yu said with a gentle smile.

Ru Feiqing smiled but said nothing. She turned her head at Wu Jing Long. "I'm sorry and thank you. Today, I just wanted to meet you before we are separated by the apocalypse. I've never got the chance to give this to you since I gave you away before your first birthday." She took out a small box and handed it to him.

Wu Jing Long took the box and opened it. He saw a warm green colour jade pendant with Jing character carved awkwardly on the jade. One can see that the person who did this is amateur.

Mo Yu looked at the jade and picked it up. He has been good at distinguishing antique things, determining their age and etc since before he was a Host*. The jade is a few hundred old but is in good shape. The carving is only twenty years old.

(Host in this verse means someone who hosted someone else's body.)

"You carved this while you are pregnant?"

Ru Feiqing widened her eyes and calmed down. She nodded her head lightly.

The light in Wu Jing Long's eyes softened. The corner of his mouth curled slightly upward.

Mo Yu smiled, pleased to know that Ru Feiqing does love her son even though she was once greedy. He took the necklace and helped Wu Jing Long wears it. While the three people are taking time to warm up, the people behind them are already getting antsy.

"Has mother lived well?" Wu Jing Long finally called her mother.

Ru Feiqing felt herself tears up. She smiled and nodded her head. "Thanks to you, mother has lived well."

Mo Yu smiled at the two and patted Ru Feiqing's hand. "Let's not stand like this. We can have a proper conversation while sitting and eating some foods."

A man that has Wu Jing Long's feature, looked only slightly older than him went up with a small girl in his arm.

"Jing didi, this is your niece, Shuiya."

Mo Yu's eyes darkened. He was not pleased to be interrupted in a brash manner.

Wu Jing Long glared at the two. "Who is your brother?"

Zhang Xian Long stifled at the question. His smile turned stiff while his daughter cried in his arm.

Ru Feiqing felt a headache when she heard her granddaughter cried. "I'm sorry for bringing them. We won't be staying for too long here. I just wanted to see you so we will leave now." She glared at her son and gestured to leave the place but how could they leave?

Zhang Ming Yu, the third daughter rushed to Mo Yu's side, hugging his leg with face in tears. "Brother-in-law... Please take pity on us and allow us to live in Stellar Base. People outside treated us badly. They are--"

Mo Yu rolled his eyes. Before she could finish her sentence, Wu Jing Long pushed the woman and called the guards. "Don't touch him." He glared at her.

Ru Feiqing was more distressed now that her children refused to listen to her. She massaged her temple and frowned deeply. At this moment, she heard her husband shouted.

"Jing! She is your sister, how can you do that to her?!"

The people in the back immediately supported their father. "That's right! She didn't hurt anyone and you pushed her! You have to compensate her!"

Mo Yu rolled his eyes. "Compensate her? Do you know that if I want you to die, I can kill you right now and no one will say anything? You are no longer in China but Stellar Base, my place."

The people's face paled aghast. They pointed their finger at him. "You-- How can you do that? That is against the law!"

Mo Yu smiled coldly. "I made the law in Stellar Base."

Their face is now as pale as white sheet paper. Of course, they knew that but they didn't take into heed that Mo Yu would be ruthless to them. They forgot that Mo Yu is a reincarnator who spent his life in the apocalypse where everyone has to be ruthless to even their beloved.

Ru Feiqing knelt down immediately. "Please forgive their rashness..." She knew that they have been too much. Even though their personality is as such, they are still her children so she couldn't bear to let them die.

Mo Yu pursed his lips unhappily and jabbed his shoulder at Wu Jing Long to help his mother up. Ru Feiqing looked worried when Wu Jing Long helped her up.


Wu Jing Long sighed lightly. "Mother shouldn't care about these people anymore. They are adults. They can live on their own. Mother may have made a mistake in the past but I've never blamed you. You were thinking of your husband and your other children's future."

Even though you take the money by selling your child, you didn't use that money to live in luxury. You looked like you lived in luxury but your clothes, your makeup, your foods, they were simple and inexpensive...

"Mom... would you live with me? You spent twenty years taking care of them but they are not grateful to you. You have focused twenty years on them while discarding me. Won't you do the same to me? Won't you discard them to live with me? I want mom to live with me." Wu Jing Long seemed to return to the time when he was a kid, only seven years old in front of Ru Feiqing. He looked up to the woman who he longed to be loved by.

The woman hugged her son with a face drenched in tears. She has always wanted to take care of this son, live with him, focus her attention to him. As a mother, she naturally worried for him feels sad for being separated from him but she made a mistake. She chose her other children and discarded him.

Wu Jing Long patted the old woman's back. She is thinner than he remembered. Her smooth skin is now a bit wrinkly. The first time he met her, she is dressed in thick fluffy limited edition coat but now, she is only wearing a simple orange dress to meet him.

She cut her long hair since it is easier to take care of when it is short, not minding the fact that her beauty diminished. Just from this, he knew how harsh her life is, having to take care of seven grown adults and two grandchildren. She has to take care of her in-law, her own children, her husband, and her grandchildren alone, barely touching the money he gave her.

It wasn't that she didn't want to touch his money but she does not want her family to rely on Wu Jing Long's money again. Since they are in difficulty, they should live in hardship together and not bother her child that she has given up in the past.

"Mom, won't you live with me?" Wu Jing Long asked again. His eyes are wet. Even though he has grown up, it would be a lie if he said he does not envy other people who have a loving family. While he has Mo family, they are treating him warmly but as an outsider.

Ru Feiqing looked at her son, looked at behind her and back to Mo Yu who is smiling warmly at her.

"I've abandoned you for twenty years for other people's sake. Will you give me another chance to redeem my mistake?" She clamped her lips together as tears streaked down her chin.

"Your son has never stopped giving you a chance. Mom... let's live together again." He hugged her and patted her back as she cried on his shoulder.