
John tried his best not to punch the man in front of him right in his face. Michelle brought him here because she respected him and she felt like he meant a lot to her. John loved that he had that place on her heart but, he couldn't help but wish for something more.

Carlos narrowed his eyes and stared at John suspiciously. He looked at Michelle whose light voice was filling he room, then he stared at the man in front of her, those eyes....He laughed inwardly as he immediately figured out what was going on.

When Michelle left to go to the bathroom, he waited for her to go out of sight before saying the words that has been on his mind.

"You're in love with her..." It wasn't a question, John was caught off guard by his serious tone and almost choked on his drink. He quickly regained himself but his little slip up didn't pass Carlos's eyes.

"So, when are you planning to tell her you aren't her brother?"

"How did you?...."

Carlos smirked "Its easy....You look absolutely nothing like Thomas or Silver....and you also don't seem like the kind of guy to fall in love with his sister... am I right?"




Michelle stared at her reflection and sighed why was she having nosebleeds so often?. "It has been long since I went to the hospital...I should probably go after the vacation" Michelle said as she wiped her nose clean, making sure she didn't look out of place because both the men downstairs would kick up a huge fuss if they found out about this....And it might not be that serious.

"I'm not going to tell her, and you can't make me!"

"Tell me what?" Michelle smiled as she made her way back the sitting room. John's heart raced, he was afraid she heard everything. "John is a fan....he's just too shy to tell you" Carlos quipped making John sigh in relief and mouthing the words 'Thank you' To Carlos.

Carlos glared at him, he only did that because it wasn't his secret to tell but...

"A fan of who exactly?"

"Me of course!... He's a huge fan''

" Yes! Yes I am!" John laughed, easing the atmosphere




"Shouldn't we....say goodbye before we go?"

Michelle shook her head "You said it emergency didn't you?" Carlos nodded, holding her hand they made their way to the airport.

"But you should call your mo-"

"Already did!"

Michelle interrupted with a huge grin, she didn't want to see her father's face. She was actually glad that Carlos got a call about an emergency form the company. It was the perfect excuse.

Carlos looked at her smile and shook his head "You are a strange little person"

Michelle stuck out her tongue childishly, "Carlos...."


"I love you"

Carlos smiled, caressing her cheek ever so gently. "Michelle, you're driving me crazy. You know that?"

"That's the plan!" Michelle giggled before pulling him behind her.




"You're lucky we discovered it early, many people didn't have the privilege" The female doctor in front of Michelle said. Michelle let out a shaky breath, burying her face in her palms, trying to process everything she just heard.

She had just been diagnosed with Cancer, it came as a shock to her but fortunately, the doctor said it wasn't too late to start treatment.

"Thanks Miss Carrie"

Seeing how shaken the young woman was, the doctor felt sympathy for her, she held her hands in hers and smiled comfortingly "I can understand how scared you must feel right now but you shouldn't worry yourself too much. What you should do now prepare yourself for treatment..."

Michelle nodded, she left the office silently with a lot on her mind. She wanted to tell someone, but she hated being the cause of people's worries...she hated and was afraid of the looks of pity she would get from people.




"Don't worry mom, the doctor said everything will be fine after I begin treatment"

Michelle said tying to calm her mother who had already become hysteric over the phone.

"I don't care what the doctor said, I'm still coming over, I can't leave you alone at this time.... I want to be there for you"

Michelle smiled slightly "Mom, it will be fine I promise you...if I can't handle it and need you to be here I will call you, I promise"

Silver sighed from the other line, she knew she wouldn't be able to convince her daughter otherwise "Please be fine Michelle....I beg you"

"Don't worry, everything will be fine"

After hanging up, Michelle stared at the ceiling absent mindedly.

"So....have you told Carlos?"

Michelle looked at Darla and rolled her eyes "You keep telling me to tell everybody like its some good news"

Michelle coughed lightly before closing her eyes

"So you won't tell him?"

"...I will....after I am...gosh I don't know?!" Michelle grabbed her pillow and squeezed it really tightly letting out all of her frustrations.

Things were going great, why was the universe so against her happiness?

Why did this have to happen?