After the burial, Aisha was about to bid goodbye. She wanted to go and see Stacy for the meantime. However, when she was about to exit, Sahaya suddenly called out.

"Sahaya… do you need something?" she asked.

She shook her head but then she seemed to be looking for someone. "Where is Eli?" she asked.

"Oh Eli? he's with his father and grandpa right now." she gladly answered.

"But why didn't they come?" she was curious.

Aisha jolted. Yeah, they actually had a little argument about it earlier. then her memory went back to what happened prior.


"You're not coming? But why?" Aisha was a bit upset.

"I'm sorry but as much as I want to, I just can't. Larry is still trying to trace the people who was vexing around you and me. so we need to be careful for now." Ethan explained.