She made sure to put the little girl to sleep as soon as they arrived at Caleb's house. Lisa was supposed to leave after the burial, however, Sahaya had been tailing her everywhere. Seems like the little girl knew her plan so she stayed with her most of the times. She was also expecting Sahaya to go home with her grandfather Archie but she insisted of going home with her and Caleb. she heavily sighed and adheres to her request.

Lisa wasn't sure though as to why the little lad latched onto her even though they only met and talked once before. But somehow she's happy to know that Sahaya likes her as much as she adores the kid.

Once Lisa laid the little girl on the bed, she walked out the room and strides back to her old room. it was empty since she had packed all her stuffs. Ah yeah! Her luggage. She remembered. She stood up and was about to go out but she halted when she saw Caleb holding her luggage while standing on the doorway.