First Talks

Tom stared at the little girl, he was truly fazed. She looked young, about his age or so, wore a white dress littered by stains of dirt. Her long black hair and brownish skin, a first glance she looked Latina, but no she isn't, in fact very different from a Latina nor a Negroe. So Tom asked her, "Are you supposed... Latina?"

The little girl silently stared at Tom, then she laughed. "No, silly. I'm a human just like you."

"No, Uh... How to say this, what he meant is your descent," Senft interjected.

"Oh, I see... I guess I'm a descent of the Zaragoza Empire, but my specific descent is lost to the sands of time. Ah, sorry for my rudeness, my name is Famyne Asmilia, you gentlemen are?"

"My name is Tom Miller, I'm an American." He took off his officer's cap.

"And my name is Johann Senft, I'm Aryan descent... I mean German." As Senft spoke, Tom stared at him with narrowed eyes.

Famyne glanced at Tom's features, brown eyes, black hair. Of course, she had never seen any race the same as Tom.

She then glanced at Senft before she gasped. Such beautiful sky blue eyes this man has, and, is that golden hair? Famyne couldn't help staring at Senft.

Seeing the reaction of Famyne staring at him, Senft grew restless. He quickly reached for the P38 Walther in his pocket. "Why are you seeing me like that?" He threatened. His hands already gripping his pistol.

"Ah sorry, please don't be offended." In a panic matter, Famyne apologized. Senft's reaction also startled Grimm.

"Once again I'm sorry, it's just rare in this world to see a person with golden hair and blue eyes just like you German."


"Right, You are now our guest, how about you gentlemen follow us to a private room, we can talk there."

"Wait!" Senft interrupted. "We only came here to tell you about those ships that we sink. Could you rescue the survivors?" Senft inquired in a slight forcing manner.

"No need to be in such haste!" Giggled Famyne. "About that matter, you can talk to Lord Grimm. Now if you please give me your hand." Famyne softly said.


"It's for you to understand Lord Grimm. I'm gonna chant a special spell called 'Language Link' so would you please give me your hand? I won't bite." Giggled Famyne, and so Tom and Senft gave her their hands as she holds it, while at the same time, she holds Grimm's hand.

Famyne closed her eyes, she began chanting the spell. Words, foreign to the ear, harmoniously resonating the air. Suddenly light circled around Grimm and the terrified men.

"Is this Magic?!" Senft gasped while he was blinded by the light. After the light faded. Tom and Senft quickly pulled his hand, making sure it was still there.

"Gentlemen the ritual is now over, you may now talk with our Lord Grimm," Famyne announced. In her heart, she felt glad. It's been a few years since she cast that spell. 'Language Link' is very effective as it can directly make all parties understand each other, but it depleted almost all the mana of the mage, as for that reason back in her days, 'Language Link' is treated as a premium alternative instead of being a translator that has to directly translate everything.

With the initiative, Lord Grimm said his first words. "Greetings, my name is Grimm, I am the owner of this merchant fleet. In fact, I am the most prestige merchant in this entire world. Can you introduce yourselves, dear guest?"

"Yes, My name is Johann Senft, and this is Tom Miller. We are from a nation called Germany, we are.... delighted to meet your esteemed grace." Senft understood that this person in front of him is much more powerful than he imagined, so he properly chose his words.

"So you are from the teleported continent! Indeed you must be wondering why your nation is here?" Grimm laughed.

".....Indeed we are, could you enlighten us?" Senft somehow was sweating.

"Yes, but this is a very long story, so I will have cut it a bit short. This mighty planet is called Gargantua. By the Gods, this planet is cursed for eternal war. Every 10 years, a kingdom or an empire with some territory and a physical border gets transported from their worlds into this huge planet. Here, they became an island or a continent depending on their size of territory. Their borders will become beaches, surrounded by the vast ocean." Grimm seemed like he was into this storytelling moment.

"How long has this been going for?" Senft asked, this time his sweat is very visible, not to mention Tom and his drenched uniform.

"We do not know exactly, but for sure it has been this way for hundreds of years. Empires rise and fall, people massacred and killed, each grass fields carry the story of bloody battles in the name of dominance, competence, independence, and persistence." Grimm paused.

"May I ask how big is this Germany?"

Tom silently chose his words, "Not too big, not too small, but it isn't something worthy to be called a continent,"

"Ah, I see..." Grimm was a bit disappointed.

Seeing Grimm quiet down, Senft took this opportunity to ask, "Esteemed Lord Grimm, we came here to ask if you could rescue the survivors from the ships that we sunk." He pointed to the direction of the sinking Ka'abals vessels from afar.

"Ah? It could be done, however, we have no use for prisoners, especially merciless pirates. The vessels that you destroyed are part of the Ka'abals pirate fleet, the most infamous in this world."

Grimm slowly explained.

Senft and Tom were secretly relieved when they heard that they had sunken pirate vessels.

"Esteemed Lord Grimm, Germany would need such prisoners for questioning. Your grace could bring them to Germany's ports as we could take it from there, meanwhile, you could.... Spend some time in Germany, discussing business with our higher-ups. As of right now, the German people really need some goods."

Hearing this Grimm laughed, he believed he had struck the jackpot, "Very well, this is a repayment for saving my fleet." And so Grimm sends the Miramar to pluck all of the Ka'abals survivors from the water.

"I have tasked my warship, the Miramar to retrieve the survivors. In the meantime, how about you follow me into a private room where I would like to discuss some matters. And so the men went inside the private room while Famyne stayed at the deck.

Inside the private room, Tom and Senft couldn't help but gasp. So many luxurious ornaments, decorations, and furniture. It came out straight from the palace of Versailles. The men then seated.

"I would like to know how advanced in terms of technology in this Germany," Grimm said.

"As do we of this world," Senft replied.

"Allow me to ask you, do you know why this room is brightly lit?"

"You mean the chandelier?" Tom answered in confusion.

"Yes, that's true. Do you know why does it emit a stable light source?"Grimm asked again.

"Because of electricity?"

"Ah, I see." At this moment, both men realized that their knowledge is being tested.

"Now, do you know how this ship moves?"

"Propellers powered by steam." One of the men answered.

"I see..." Said Grimm. 'Germany is not some country that has technological backwardness' he thought to himself.

Question after question both men were actually not comfortable answering. It was trivial, yes, but it felt like it exposed everything about Germany's technology.

"Right I have one more thing that I want to ask you, gentlemen, do you know this?" Suddenly Grimm took a rifle behind his chair and held it up. As then Tom and Senft reacted, they quickly reached their pistols, already tightening their grip in their holsters.

Seeing this Grimm laughed, "Relax men, I was merely just showing my rifle." He then gave it to Senft.

Both men still had their vigilance, but they couldn't help being curious when they glance at the rifle.

"This is the most advanced rifle in this world. It could fire multiple shots in seconds." Grimm is extremely proud of this rifle, but surely he is more interested in the reaction of both men.

"This is a very well decorated rifle I must say. The ornaments and carvings are beautifully made." Said Senft. Hearing this Grimm frowned, instead of admiring the capabilities of this rifle, the men admired its decoration. Why wouldn't they? It's made out of gold.

Grimm couldn't help to be curious so he asked. "Does Germany have guns like this?"

"No... The German people didn't, most Americans use these types of rifles, but it's already outdated." Tom said.

"Outdated?" Grimm frowned.

"The lever action rifle as we call it, it uses a small and blunt cartridge right?"

"True, here is the cartridge." Grimm hands out the cartridge to the men.

"Yea, this lead bullet is almost the same size as my 1911's cartridge." Tom chuckled. He then took his pistol from his holster, released the magazine and took a single cartridge for comparison. "See, it's similar."

"Is that a revolving handgun?" Grimm who glanced at Tom's 1911 couldn't help but wonder.

"No... this is a pistol. Do you have anything like this?" Tom asked.

"Well, here it is." Grimm took a revolver from his holster.

"But that's a revolver."

"Then no, we do not have anything similar to that. But I am interested in your rifle, could it compare to our 'lever action' you name of?"

"That would be exposing our armaments," Senft said in a cold tone.

"Such a shame, I am now very curious about your rifle to an extent that I will do anything for it...."

"What do you mean...?" Replied Tom in a worrying tone. Both men held their pistol grips tighter than ever.

"How about this, I will hold a target shooting contest, it will test our rifle's capabilities in terms of rapid-fire, accuracy, and reliability, and damage. If my rifle beats yours, then that's it, nothing happens. But if you win, I will directly give you my mage translator Famyne to your hands forever." Grimm offered.

"No thank you, your grace." Replied Senft.

"Well think about it, your Germany needs some sort of bridge between the language barrier, don't you? Considering how useful a mage translator is..." Grimm's smile got wider and wider.

Tom and Senft stared at each other, "On second thoughts Lord Grimm, this is a very handsome offer, but I might ask you what's in it for you?" Asked one of the men.

"For a mere demonstration of your weapon, and don't you worry, I am the most esteemed merchant in this world, I will hold my words up high." Smiled Grimm.

"Then we shall do it, but I suggest we do it up on deck, so my men would know that my being is well safe and sound during the contest." Suggested Senft.

"Then it shall be done."

On deck, the officers watch as a target duel between Lord Grimm and the guests is about to unfold. They grew excited for it has been a long time since a target duel has been held in Grimm's ship. The metal plate is about 30 feet from the firing line.

And so, it started.

Bang! Cklikk.... Bang! Cklikk....

Grimm fired seven shots at the metal plate using his rifle. All seven bullets hit the target within a small fire cone which impressed Senft and Tom. After Grimm fired all his rounds, the crowds cheered.

This time, it's the guest's turn.

"Where is your rifle you speak of?" Grimm questioned.

"Tom is currently taking it from the sub- I mean our ship, please wait a moment," Senft said.

"Take your time," Grimm said.

While Tom went back to the submarine, the crowds sneered.



"Our guns are the best!"

Hearing this Grimm can only smile silently while Senft's face is flustered.

"I'm back, so here it is!" Tom cheered.

Grimm looked at the 'rifle' Tom brought, it doesn't look anything near a rifle. It looked more of a pipe with sticks attached at the bottom.

"You... you're bringing an MP40?" Senft was startled.