Too Much Questioning

It was afternoon and the sky slowly turned red as the sun almost kissed the horizon. Tom Miller slowly approached the on deck shooting range. As he stood, he quietly glanced at the people around him. He could see people filled with curiosity, excitement, and ridicule.

He then pulled the charging handle down from his already loaded maschinenpistole, pull the stocks and rest in on his shoulders, bent his head forwards and aimed down the sights. It was an immediate silence as the crowds were watching him full of anticipation. Amidst the silence, Senft halted him.

"What is it?" The annoyed Tom asked just a slight second he almost pulled the trigger. A person like Tom, who had never touched the most iconic SMG in the entire war would be eager to fire it.

"Just don't overkill it." Senft reminded Tom.

Tom stood silenced, a smiled appeared on his face. 'Too late' he thought.


The 32 spent cartridge fell one by one on the deck floor creating a repeated 'cling' sound.

"Lord...." Senft muttered.

The crowd watched as the metal plate was OBLITERATED.

A mere .45-ish caliber black powder cartridge could compare to a 9mm smokeless powder? The 9mm went straight THROUGH it, about 15 hits the plate at least, the rest probably missed due to the recoil.

The crowds remained silent, no one looked Tom as ever before as they watch this damn horrifying capability rifle with awe and fear. Even Grimm himself left his jaw hanging.

Forget about that obliterated metal plate, who would've thought that small compact machinery could be so dangerous. The crews of the ship are experienced men, and they are aware that a single cartridge fired from their rifle could produce a cloud of thick black smoke. But this 'rifle' fired multiple cartridges in seconds, without producing a noticeable amount of smoke.

"You, I mean your rifle went beyond my expectations, that is truly a magnificent weapon that could change the battlefield. Could you tell me how common is this 'rifle' of yours throughout Germany?" Grimm asked with a deep tone.

Senft stared at the rifle in Tom's hand, "Very common," he said.

"Ah... I see. Could you sell some of it to us?"

"No, not yet at least. You could talk to the higher-ups about this, I have no power nor right about this."

"So, your king is it? May I meet him?"

"No, we don't have a king, our 'king' suicided after the defeat of Germany in the war three years ago."

"You have no king? Who leads you then?"

"Let's just say the Allied Empire 'annexed' us under their rule. So you would talk tot he Allied generals in charge of Germany. "

"You lost the war? Why? Don't you Germans have advanced technology?"

"We lost because- Never mind, it's top secret information, you could ask our generals. How about we take you to Germany right now?"


General Sokolovsky was in his private tent near the beach. He was still busy examining the wreckage retrieved from the sunken invading ship. To him, the wreck was far more promising than the prisoners because their language is still not understood. Still, attempts at learning their language are undergoing. But it's clear that the fleet that approached the German beaches wanted to do no good to this country.

All of the unidentified invading fleets were sunk while they were trying to retreat, which all of them exploded in the process. This left no time for the invaders to use their lifeboats and so they immediately jump into the water, left stranded unable to flee while holding something to stay afloat.

It was a mess and a massive rescue party is needed to pluck them out of the water one by one. Luckily Sokolovsky already dispatched small boats through the river Elbe.

When the floating invaders saw the rescue party, they immediately grabbed their rifles and aim towards the boat, only to realize their rifles didn't fire because their cartridges are soaked.

Their hostile intent was clear for the rescue party, so they fire warning shots and used force to subdue the floating yet helpless invaders. This took a very long time.

One particular similarity is that the prisoners despise them and seemingly cursing as they were the barbarians. The real barbarians are supposed to be them to be honest, who the fuck would kill innocent people without reason then cut their hair off. Yes, the Red Army killed a lot of Germans back from the war, but that was revenge for invading the motherland. Does this make sense?

Anyway, what caught Sokolovsky's attention was their guns. Their guns are similar to the Russian 1895 Lever-Action that served in the first world war, in fact, those were American made. But this is much bigger than the 1895, is this still American? It bears no familiar markings so it doesn't look like it's from this world. The barrel is so thick and heavy, probably still using 'primitive' steel.

Sokolovsky then extracted a cartridge from the tubular magazine and stared at it. It's a slightly bigger than a Tokarev round encased in an untidy handmade brass casing. After further inspection, it seemed to be a rimfire cartridge. Sokolovsky then extracted the propellant and laid it on his tea plate. He took a lighter an lit it up to see the powder burning a bit slow while creating a thick grey smoke. He coughed again and again, this was a very unpleasant smell.

While Sokolovsky was examining the rest of the wreckage, an officer entered his tent. "Sir we found something, you might wanna see this."


After Sokolovsky exited his tent, he was greeted by a peculiar 'machinery' laid on the ground, a Gatling gun! A heavy 8 barrel Gatling gun with the crank gone. It seemed this Gatling gun was once mounted on wheels, probably the wheel blew off in the initial explosion.

What's interesting is the decorations and carvings that have been put on this Gatling gun which has been plated with different types of metals. Such a shame it's a bit charred.

"Where's the magazine and the crank?" Sokolovsky asked.

"It's nowhere to be found when we plucked it out of the water sir."

"I see." Sokolovsky was a bit disappointed.

"One thing to point out sir, we've gathered about 90 Lever action guns, 12 revolvers, and this Gatling gun. All of them had rifled barrels, including the Gatling gun."


Usamri lay seated on the grass by the beach with his comrades in a captured state. He, like the others, was terrified from the chains of events that unfold before them. Those metal planes that drop shells in which created massive explosions, they obliterated the reconnaissance fleet! However, that was two days ago and now, like the rest, was a helpless prisoner detained on an open field surrounded by the 'barbarians' and barb wires.

Those 'barbarians' however, have rifles too, odd looking ones. Like their lever-action rifle, it can fire multiple shots repeatedly. Usamri and the rest of the survivors know this, and so they didn't dare to cause a problem. However, it doesn't hide the fact that all of the prisoners despise the 'barbarians'. Why wouldn't they? They killed most of the men from the fleet and Lord Griz too! They will surely get the wrath of the Albatross Empire's wrath one day.

While Usamri was enjoying the ration of bread distributed among the prisoners, a bunch of 'barbarians' armed with their rifles approached the prison 'camp'. They occasionally choose a random prisoner and bring them to a certain tent outside the barb wires, which then they question the prisoner for hours, trying to learn their language, then they are returned back.

This time, the guards approached Usamri and dragged him out. However, it wasn't the usual tent which is placed close to the barb wire fence. USamri was brought to a tent further away. While he was dragged, he could see tons of 'barbarians' and their rifles patroling and talking, four-wheeled cars with all types of shapes and sizes and.... A huge car with a barrel attached to it? Wait, what? And that's all metal? Is it a monster? Before he could process his eyes, his head was forced to look in front while he was pushed by the barbarian guards.

He was brought to a certain tent, bigger than usual. Inside was a certain person sitting behind a desk. Wearing an odd cap like some of the barbarians wore, in his left chest hanged a few medals and his face was old yet stern. As such he emitted a dangerous aura. The barbarian guards beside him forced him to sit on a chair opposite of this man.

"You, Name?" In a broken Albatronian, the man spoke.

Usamri stood silent for a while, paralyzed, "Usamri." He spoke.

"I, Sokolovsky." The man replied.


"No, Se-ka-lov-skiye, Sokolovsky."

"Sokolovsky, yes," Usamri replied.

"Yes, yes," Sokolovsky replied. He then took some sort of paper from under his desk and laid it in front of Usamri.

"Map, Correct?" He asked in Albatronian.

Usamri stared at the piece of a map, it was a bit damaged, probably it was once soaked in water. The map itself is the map of the world that once belonged to reconnaissance fleet, probably found and confiscated. On the map was a doodle that was recently drawn, could it be the continent looked like this? 'It's pretty big unless they draw it not according to the scale of the map. This Barbarian probably questions if the location of this continent is correct as drawn on the map.' long thought Usamri

"Yes, around here, it's correct." Usamri pointed at the doodle.

"Good, thank you," Sokolovsky replied, "Come," Sokolovsky asked Usamri to follow as he then followed.

Outside, he met monster again. At first glance, it looked like a huge metal car with a long barrel sticking out of it, while its wheels are covered by chains. The longer he glanced the wider his jaws got. It was clear that everything is made out of metal, 'It must be heavy' he thought. 'How can something this heavy mounted on a wheel? Nothing is strong enough to let alone move it.'

"Albatross Empire, Have?" Asked Sokolovsky as he pointed at the Panther.

Hearing this Usamri was speechless, it looked menacing and powerful yet, it seemed like a waste of metal, "No." He slowly replied.

"Excuse me, but how can this thing move? Is anything strong enough to move this?" Usamri threw a question to his Sokolovsky.

Sokolovsky doesn't seem to understand what Usamri meant, so Usamri repeated slowly. "That, Move, How?"

Sokolovsky took a long time to process, but when he understood what he meant, he simply smiled and said, "Secret."

He then brought Usamri to a Gaz-67 Jeep, and he asked the same thing, "Albatross Empire, Have?" which Usamri replied in a short answer, "We have, but few."

It was a car, something that the rich owned in the Albatross Empire, but they can only enjoy the privilege of the three-wheels while the aristocrats could own a four-wheel, probably because it's harder to manufacture. However, this continent is much crowded on four-wheeled cars which surprised Usamri and the other prisoners at first.

For hours Sokolovsky questioned Usamri of the availability of certain things that the Albatross Empire has.

As the sun is slowly setting, and the sky is getting darker, Usamri returned to the prison 'camp'.


Days of questioning the prisoners passed. Sokolovsky thought he knew everything. He thought that the technology owned by the Albatross Empire is far inferior to theirs. He thought that the Albatross Empire could never even touch Soviet Germany. He would underestimate the Albatross Empire's capabilities. He was wrong, he was dead wrong. There is one aspect that the Soviets didn't think of and the prisoners didn't mention, Magic. Some of the prisoners are mages, mages that don't own useful talent of magic for the young talented mages joined the mage corps turned battle mages. These mage prisoners kept secret of their magic for they fear they could be 'tortured and get their manas extracted for potions', common propaganda to avoid mages being captured.