Chapter 6 :- Trouble

# One Month Later #


"Hey" shouted James," You told us that something big was coming. That's why we trained so hard for the whole month."

" Well look at your self you guys not only have opened one opening but also have two spiritual essence in the opening. That's quite a feat for your age." Michael smiled

" Well then what about you eh?" Sarah asked panting, she was out of breath from the run which they were doing.

" Mm" "My case is a bit different from you." Michael grinned helplessly not knowing what to do.

" You said that we weren't powerful enough to see your spirit, well how about now we've entered the man layer." pouted Jennifer who was also tired after the big training routine.

" Well, even now you're not strong enough but I'll show you." Michael became serious.

"Come on just show us what do you think that we can't handle a mere spirit." smeared James

It was a surprising fact that James who spent his entire time with Michael had not seen his spirit, which also shocked because Michael was the one that had activated their spirits so they were naturally curious to know more about him.

" I'll inform this beforehand that, I'll control my spirit to my best but you guys should stay as far away as possible. So that you don't get hurt." Michael was quite tensed but he couldn't stop his friends.

James and trio shook their head helplessly, in there mind Michael was overreacting a lot.

Just when Michael was about to unleash his spirit a voice sounded in his ears

"So you were hiding in this mental asylum eh , You thought that you could get away that easily after breaking my arm." a chubby boy stood at the entrance and behind him were some Twenty to Twenty-five university students.

"You still haven't had enough, meatball" chuckled Michael.

"You what did you just say!" Buck was furious to be called a meatball.

As the son of a prominent politician, he had lived in a lot of privileges and was exempted from a lot of punishments. That was why he was so overbearing on the students as well as teachers.

It was the first time that someone had laid a hand on him and that too Michael had broken one of his arms so him being enraged about it was inevitable.

" This time I brought a lot of people with me let's see how you for them all." Buck smiled sinisterly.

Michael thought for some time then turned towards the James trio and smiled,"It seems that luck is with us. You guys just got your first trail."

" Hey, wait you mean we four have to fight them all!?" James was a little confused.

" Correction, not we four but you three. It's time to put your one month's training to test." Michael smiled.

All three of them were at a loss of words. They had to fight twenty-five university students on their own it was a little too big of task for them.

"Hey stop your mumbling now and come up front I don't have all day to waste on you. Quick quick." shouted Buck

Instantly James trio came upfront and stood against Buck and the university students.

" You want to hide behind girls, what kind of a man are you eh?"

"Come upfront if you have the guts to provoke me don't think that you will be safe. Even if they are girls don't think that I'll go easy on them and leave you." Buck was stupifed.

"Don't misunderstand them they are not here to protect me but rather you all are here as their training materials and I have to say that ending of this session will not be favourable to you at all. he he " chuckled Michael

Buck was red with fury, no-one hard insulted him this much before and called him training material for girls to learn.

"Just you wait I'll see how much you'll laugh after I beat all of you up." Buck was burning with rage.

James, Sarah and Jennifer were flabbergasted to see this scenario before them. Michael though had taught them martial arts but they couldn't be considered real martial artists because of zero battle experience.

The three of them looked helplessly towards Michael they had no idea what the latter was planning. He simply returned a smile to them, telling them to continue.

All three of them got into formation ready to fight, it was their first fight and they were pretty nervous at the moment.

Seeing them nervous Michael thought of something.

A sudden humming sound was echoing in the trio's ears soothing their nervousness and calming their auras, they looked towards Michael in a confused manner.

" Hold tight on to the universal origin"

"Empty the self of ego"

"Realm of law is unnoticed"

"Heavenly God Technique"

Hearing these words Sarah instantly lit up "So thats' what it means." immediately she felt a huge surge in her powers and found that another spiritual essence had been established on her opening

"What how did she went up a star in an instant." James was stunned.

" She comprehend the law which I was teaching you for the past one month so she went up a star."

"Well then go on just beat them up but don't kill them ok!"

Michael smiled and lied down on the branch of the tree next to him

"Hey" shouted Buck" You girls seriously wish to protect that coward."

"Come on let's fight." Sarah came forward taunting them.