Chapter 10 :- Zhao and Yan (Part-1)

Michael walked backward and smiled towards his friends." Be careful, don't complain to me that I didn't warn you later."

"Will you show us your spirit or are you continuing to act like this. What do you think that were newbies?" James snorted.

"Ok, Ok I'll show you, but before that do remember that technique to materialize your spirit?" Everyone nodded in unity. " Ok, then materialize your spirits. We'll have to make them recognize their new comrades right?"

"Ok we'll do it but if you don't show us your spirit after that, forget about getting close to Sarah!!"

Jeniffer pouted.

Instantly a Blue Monkey. A Violet Rabbit and an Indigo Snake formed in front of the group. These were, without doubt, the James trio's spirits. Though these spirits looked quite magnificent, they were not the least bit hostile towards each other. It was quite evident that they had accepted the others as their comrades and were quite satisfied with it.

"Alright, then I'll show you my spirits now." " You mean spirit right. What's with the extra "s"."

Jennifer interrupted him.

"It wasn't a mistake I meant spirits. You'll know when you see!" Michael smeared.

Saying this Michael walked back rolled up his sleeves and opened up his arms. Upon a closer look, his right hand had a slight golden luster and his left hand had a deep red luster.

On the back of his neck was a symbol different from what the other martial artists had, being born in July his spirit was obvious because of this month also known as the month of the dragon.

But what Michael had was not a usually simple dragon but rather a two-headed dragon. One of its was golden while the other one was blood red.

" As I told you I have not one but rather two spirits you can call them twins if you want but, be careful of them. They can be a little bit overboard sometimes." Michael chuckled.

Suddenly the air around them froze and extreme bloodlust filled the entire area. The James trio including their spirits were affected, Shivering in fear and terror Jennifer was the first one to collapse down, followed by Sarah and then no later James. They still couldn't understand what was happening when they glanced at Michael and were further frightened.

Michael floated about 2-3 inches above ground with both his arms open. Both his pupils were blood red and behind him was a vague and blurry image of a giant blood-red dragon, with eyes full of bloodlust and death.

" Michael....there is a big red dragon behind you.!!" though being in pressure James mustered up the courage to speak up.

"Yeah, he is one of my partners rather than my spirit and has helped me in a lot of ways, in a lot of difficult situations. He is one of the reasons that I am what I am today."

"But, What's with the terrific pressure we can't even stand. And it's even affecting our spirit." The one to speak up now was Sarah. Though being scared she mustered up some courage to face this powerful entity because she knew that if she was going to continue her journey with Michael she would eventually encounter him no?

Seeing all of his friends in a helpless state Michael sighed and looked up," Would you stop it now they get it that you're all-powerful, now remove the pressure or they'll suffocate to death."

A blood-red dragon then materialized in front of them. It was the same as the giant blood-red dragon but the size was now shrunken. Its height was nearly that of Michael and was completely covered in blood-red scales that shone brightly.

As soon as the dragon appeared the pressure intensified and then gradually disappeared. Standing up none of dared to speak up in front of an entity which entirely outclassed them in strength.

At this moment Michael was the one to break the silence." One of my spirits, One of the fundamental laws of the universe."

"YAN"....."The God of Death" When these words sounded everyone collapsed as if struck by lightning.

The God of Death isn't this too exaggerated, but at this moment they believed it. Whether it was because of their trust in Michael or because of the strength that was displayed in front of them, they believed it.

"So um.... you are saying that he is the real God of Death?" It was James that had snapped out of all this and came up with a question.

"You punk, How about this. We both spar and if you win I'll give you my title of The Death God?"

It was a rather hoarse voice that echoed in the surrounding, it sounded as if it belonged to a 50-60-year-old man. " You still love to bully weak people. You haven't changed a bit in all this time."

Michael came up to resolve this dispute, " Don't mind him, James, he is a bit short-tempered and doesn't consider others in his opinion."

With this, a part of the introduction was completed on behalf of everyone. Suddenly Jennifer spoke up," You said you have more than one spirit right?" It was now that the other two had come to a realization. Yes, Michael said he would show his spirits and not a single spirit right, then how powerful would be the other one if this one was such an OP spirit.

This thought made everyone's mind go numb. Seeing their excited natures he could only helplessly comply with them.

"My other spirit should be easy to guess right?" But no one had a single clue.

"Ok, So I'll give you a hint, Where there is Death there is always LIFE."