The World and its True Colors

"This world is cruel, Rei"

The sky-blue eyes scanned the park in front of them as he leaned back on the bench. Cool air hits his cheeks and his dark blue hair, causing it to be blown away from his face. He then pats and looks at then 7 years old Rei who was busy eating his vanilla ice cream.

"People will hate you just because you are different than them. But when you grow up, always remember... Being yourself is okay as long as you are not hurting anyone."

That is just one of the precious memories Rei had with his father. He always follows that principle when it comes to dealing with people, but he learned that he is an omega and all of them showed their 'true colors' in front of him. The verbal bullying he got just because he is different is like one of his daily routines. He got so used to it that it doesn't affect him as much as before, but when it turned to this sadly... A loud slap and a squeal echoed across the whole cafe, which caught the people's attention.

"You whore!" A middle-aged man exclaimed, face red in anger as he glares at Rei who had his face turned to the side with his bangs hiding his eyes. "Do you know who you are talking to?!"

'Ahh. He is disturbing the other customers.' Rei mentally groaned to himself, gripping tightly on the silver round tray he is holding when he noticed how the people started gossiping. Oh how much he wants to slap that old geezer with the tray... But he has to stop himself. Nothing good will come out if he hurt a customer. And why did it even turn into this?

He was just busy serving a cup of mocha to Kyou when he saw the man hitting on one of their omega customers who just innocently passed by him before he stands up and start grabbing her on her wrist. Without thinking, Rei immediately walked in between them. The man looked so shocked when he did but he can't stand by and watch another Alpha acting shitty to an Omega. Ahh. Why is he so unlucky today? First, the date with Haruo and seeing Kyou while he is in his part-time uniform which is honestly not that bad because he was minding his own business... But then this?

"Hey! Are you listening to me?!" The man asked, raising a brow and leaning closer to Rei, who took a step back while using his right hand to guard the poor woman behind him, shaking in fear as she grabbed onto her shoulder bag.

Rei glared at the man. "If you will just cause a commotion in this establishment, I'm sorry but you need to leave as you are bothering other customers."

"Ah! Is this a proper way to treat me? A customer?" The man mockingly scoffed, turning his head and scanning the cafe before leaning closer to Rei. "Do you want me to call your manager?"

Rei was about to say something but stopped, his eyes widening when a thick, intoxicating smell of musk and pine needles came from the guy who's glaring at him. He felt himself palpitating, his heart beating faster, and his knees starting to feel numb. He grabbed onto his chest and started to gasp for air to control himself.

"F-Fuck... P-Pheromones..." he hissed to himself, starting to glare at the man in front of him who's looking down and looking so proud of himself because of how he reacted to the man's pheromones.

He then took a glance at the girl behind him whom he also found struggling on the floor. But just when he was about to kneel and soothe the girl, the middle-aged man walked closer then grabbed his arm. His nose wrinkled in disgust and both hands were on the man's chest when he felt the man's hands slowly wrapped around his waist to pull him closer. He tried to push the man away but his strength isn't enough. Damn! Why isn't anyone helping them anyway?!

"Hmm..." The man hummed as he took a sniff of Rei's hair. "You smell yummy. How about we hang out instead? Hmm? Or maybe..."

Rei shivered as he watched how the man licked his lower lips before whispering, "I should take you home with me."

"And what?" Rei asked as he smirked, trying to act smug to hide how much he is trembling. "You'll fuck me? Like you'll satisfy me."

The man's face turned red from anger but the way his 'thing' poked Rei tells a whole different story. Rei can't help but want to spit the guy's face but after hitting him in his balls. He looked around the cafe for help but the moment his eyes met with other people's eyes, all of them would just lower their heads and act like nothing's wrong. This is harassment! So turning a blind eye on harassment is a thing now?

"Stop looking around. No one will help you. Because Omegas like you..." Rei's breath hitched when he felt the man breathe onto his ear before smirking. "Are only made to serve Alphas like me"

Being yourself is okay? As long as you are not hurting anyone huh? 'But this world is hurting him.' That's what he wants to say that to his father right now. Is he the only one that needs to adjust? And people are allowed to step on him... On them? Like they are the most disgusting people on the whole planet? Rei glanced at the girl who is still on the floor, visibly trembling as she watched them with teary eyes. He starts to grip on the man's shirt in anger and helplessness. Fuck this!

"Oi. Are you two done?"

Rei and the man immediately turned their head to the person who called and saw Kyou standing beside the two of them, looking unbothered. He turned his gaze to Rei before glaring at the man who still has his hand wrapped around Rei's waist then showing them his empty cup.

"If you are done, I need a refill."