First-name Basis

"We'll get going now! Be sure to lock up when you go to sleep since we might be home late." The silver-haired woman who looks a lot like Yuu smiled, looking back at the two who's standing near their gate and still inside their garden.

"And clean up before your friends arrive, okay?"

Yuu nodded as an answer and glanced at the red-haired guy who keeps on whining beside him. "Auntie, can't I just go with you? I want to visit Dad..."

"Aren't your friends coming as well? And it's not even your vacation yet." The woman sighed, squinting her eyes and looking so done at Rei.

They have been discussing the same topic on the phone since last night. Rei was sulking that he couldn't go to their grandparent's hometown to visit his father's grave. Shizuka, Yuu's mother, didn't want to tell it at first because he knew how much Rei would bug her to let him come with them but Tetsuo, Yuu's father, and his father's youngest brother insisted that he should know. Look at what happened? Rei's too stubborn. She understands that he missed his father but he can't come because of school.

Rei rolled his eyes, looking to his side before mumbling, "Ehh~ Just admit that you don't want me to come since you want to be alone with Uncle."

He then glanced at his aunt to see his aunt's reaction, grinning when he finds the silver-haired woman's face red from embarrassment at what he said. But his teasing was immediately cut off when Shizuka started tugging on his left cheek, making him hiss and curl in pain.

"Ahhh! It hurts, Auntie!"

"Hmph!" Shizuka released his ear in a huff, opening their car door where Tetsuo glances from the driver's seat and waving goodbye at the two. "If you don't have anything else to say, we will go now."

"Have a safe trip." Yuu smiled, waving.

Rei also waved at them with a hand on his cheek to soothe the pain, smiling as they watch the two leave the gate. Inside the house, Yuu's eyes widened when he saw Rei inside the kitchen and was busy preparing the ingredients for today's Nabe Party before getting an apron. Oh? That's weird. He always knew that his cousin is not good at cooking and his mother always keeps the knife away from him because of how clumsy he was in the kitchen. Maybe moving out is kinda good for him after all...

"You're helping in the kitchen? That's new. You never cook." Yuu asked with an amused grin.

Rei starts to tie his apron around his waist, not looking at Yuu. "I can't allow myself to starve and my roommate's too busy to cook."

That's a lie though. He wants to help Haruo in the house, so he decided to learn any chores like cleaning the house, doing laundry, and sometimes cooking. He can even remember the first time he cooked for him since he burned the egg and bacon. He found himself softly smiling at the memory and barely managed to hide it from Yuu by covering his face.

"Hmm... And you also cook for your roommate?" Yuu hummed, walking past Rei and unhooking the extra apron from their kitchen cabinet.

Rei nodded, preparing the chopping board and the knife. "Yeah."

The two of them continued preparing the ingredients and chatting merrily. Even if they can see each other in school, they don't really talk that much since they have their own duties and responsibilities in school. They also have different departments. As expected while they are busy catching up, Yuu found Rei still struggling on cutting with the knife so he decided to snatch the knife away from him. And in the end, Yuu was the one to do most of the cutting while Rei helps him. Of course, with Yuu's guidance.

"Hey. How can you manage to cook if you don't even know how to use a knife?" Yuu raised a brow, almost groaning while cutting the carrots into flowers.

"I somehow manage..." Rei forced a laugh while scratching his temple, blushing lightly. "T-Though most of the time, I bought... Uhh... Freshly cut vegetables."

"Seriously?" Yuu sighed, squinting his eyes and giving Rei some sort of deja vu from the way the other is looking at him. "Jeez. So you can do everything as long as it doesn't involve a knife?"

"Can do everything? That's rich coming from Mr. Consistent Honor Student who has many accomplishments in school." Rei huffed, placing the electric skillet on the table.

"Come on. If you will just tease me, look for the new plates and utensils in the storage. Mom said to use it for today since we will be having guests." Yuu smirked without looking at Rei, shaking his head at his cousin's teasing.

Rei raised both of his hands. "Yeah yeah."

Yuu starts placing the ingredients and the mocha cake on the table, smiling at how good it looks. It's been a while since they had a Nabe Party. It was perfect for the weather too since it's been cold. His thought was cut off when he realized that Rei has been taking too long in the basement but just when he turned towards the door of the storage, their doorbell rang which signaled that their guests have arrived. He rushed towards the door, smiling as he opened it.

"Yes! Come---"

"Aren't you too cold to me, Ya-chan?!" Sen exclaimed, pouting and tilting his head to the side to look properly at Yasuko who kept a solemn face on.

Yasuko bowed to greet Yuu, ignoring the whining blonde. "Thank you for inviting us, Yuu-san"

"Y-Yeah. Yuu is fine. Come in." Yuu blinked in shock but nodded, stepping aside to let all of their guests in.

Yasuko immediately removed her shoes, setting them aside before walking past Yuu. "Ojama shimasu (I will disturb you)."

"Ah! Ya-chaaan~" Sen quickly removed his shoes then waved at Yuu, smiling brightly. "Hey, Yuu! Sorry to disturb you."

"Hey, Sen. Come--!!" Yuu was suddenly cut off when Sen groaned, running after the brown-haired woman he is bothering--- talking to. "Hey, Ya-chaaan~ Let's be friends!"

"Oi, Sen Yamaji! I'm the only one who can call her that!" Shiori shouted at Sen, her voice echoing in the large hallway then removing her shoes before bowing to Yuu. "Sorry to disturb you."

The other guest greeted Yuu and went towards the large living room where they were greeted by the table Rei and Yuu prepared and also, Yasuko who's already sitting on the floor with Sen and Shiori sitting beside her and bickering at each other with both of the blonde pulling Yasuko's arm. Kyou was the last one of the guests to enter the living room and Dai, who was standing next to him, raised a brow when his friend started to look around as if looking for someone.

"Who are you looking for?"

Kyou didn't look at him but answered, "The Ome--- Rei."

"Hmm? 'Rei'? Since when did you start calling him by his first name?" Dai smirked, clearly amused that Kyou called Rei by his first name.

After all, they knew how he hated it when Rei called him Kyou as if they are close or something. Kyou is the only one who refers to the red-haired male as 'The other Nakamura' or 'The Omega' in the group. Dai was about to say something and almost jumped when Yuu suddenly appeared behind them.

"Oh? He's not back yet?" Yuu starts looking around the living room, raising a brow. "He went to the storage room earlier to find the plates."

Kyou suddenly turned around which caused Yuu's eyes to widen, stepping back a little. "I'll go help him. Where's the storage room?"

Dai's mouth almost dropped at what he heard. As for Shiori, Yasuko and Sen, they all stopped at what they are doing and now looking at Kyou. Yuu blinked in shock before shakingly pointing in the direction where the storage room is. The moment Kyou turned his back around and start walking in the hallway towards the storage room, the three started stumbling to stand up as they ran beside Dai and Sen.

All of them watch Kyou's back like he is going crazy before glancing at each other, still confused. "Help? Rei?!"

  1. Nabe is the term used to describe Japanese hot pot dishes as well as the hot pot itself.
  2. "Ojamashimasu" is used as a polite greeting when entering someone's house.
  3. "~ san" is the most convenient expression and the safest way when someone wants to show his (light) sense of respect.