Make A Move

Rei watched Kotone's car drive away from his shared apartment. Maybe it is not bad that Haruo is not home for Valentine's Day. He would not know what he will do if 'Kyou' finds out about their, what he called, relationship. He smirked to himself, remembering how Kyou grimaced in front of him. After all, it is rare to see an Alpha under the grasp of an Omega such as himself.

It started when they reached his and Haruo's apartment. He thanked Kotone who smiled in return with Kyou avoiding his gaze by staring outside his window which he was thankful for after what happened in the cafe. 'Pay with his body' he says? Does he want him to die or something? Rei didn't even what to think about it. It is best to avoid the topic and move on... Right. When he was a few steps away from the door, he stopped when someone called him from behind.

"Nakamura." called out the deep, monotonous voice and when he turned his head around, he finds Kyou who was taking huge steps towards him with his solemn face before stopping in front of him. "We aren't finished talking."

Rei starts opening and closing his mouth, clearly panicking but managed to force a smile. "T-Talking? W-What kind of talk?"

"Don't act as if you forgot about it already," Kyou growled, leaning closer and towering over Rei who straightens his back in response, taking a step back.

"F-Fine. What do you want?" Rei sighed, frustrated with his hands on Kyou's chest as if trying to push the black-haired Alpha. "As long as it's not my life!"

Kyou raised a brow at him. "Your life? What am I going to do with that?"

"I don't know!" Rei fumed, raising both of his hands as he shrugs.

"Then.." Kyou sighed, closing his eyes and standing straight before staring at Rei. "I will be pursuing Yuu. You'll be my wingman."

"W-Wait. So..." Rei blinked, dumb-founded with the black-haired confession. "You. Want 'me'. To 'help' you. With Yuu?"

"I didn't say 'help'..." Kyou muttered, grinding his teeth and looking away with a blush on his face.

Rei snorted, stopping himself from laughing at Kyou's embarrassed face before faking a cough, turning his back from Kyou. "Since you want my help then... Okay."

"I didn't say that." Kyou threatened, glaring at the red-haired and was about to take a step closer but stopped when the latter suddenly faced him.

"But..." Rei leaned forward, causing him to take a step back. "On one condition."

Kyou raised a brow. "Condition? Didn't I help you already?"

"So you don't need my help huh?" Rei sighed, taking a step back while shaking his head and placing his hand on his chest as if he was offended.

"Tsk. So annoying." Kyou mumbled, hissing. "What is it?"

Rei smirked, leaning forward to the fuming Alpha and tilting his head to the side before whispering. "Call me 'Rei' first. We need to act like we're friends in front of Yuu, right? Consider this as a practice."

"What?" Kyou blinked, not believing his ears and what the red-haired asked him to do.

"Call me..." Rei slowly took a step forward with a cheeky grin on his face and stopped an inch away from Kyou. "By my first name."

"No." Kyou retorted, looking away from Rei.

Rei tiredly sighed. "Okay then."

He shrugged, stepping back from Kyou before turning around. He starts walking 'slowly' towards their door. He had to go slowly. It was to delay Kyou's agony which Rei really finds amusing. 'Well, if the guy is really serious about his cousin, it isn't too much to ask something in exchange for the happiness he will have after'. That's what he thought. Though, he started to doubt himself a few seconds later when Kyou didn't react. He was then shocked when a big, callous hand grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Fine!" Kyou snapped, tightening his grip on Rei's arm which Rei didn't know whether because of his anger towards him or he is just embarrassed. "I will act as if we are friends... Rei."

Yes. 'The' Kyou Takahashi needs 'help' in pursuing his cousin. Just the thought of an Alpha needing help from an Omega makes him laugh. Why? Of course, he wouldn't bother acting all mighty in front of him anymore. He wouldn't dare do anything to someone he needs 'help' with, right? Rei can't help but smile at the thought that he was smiling the whole time he entered their apartment. He was even lightly skipping as he walked. Oh, what a fine day it is for the red-haired Omega.

In contrast to how enthusiastic Rei is, Kyou still has his brows frowned while staring at the side-view mirror as he starts to curse himself under his breath. He starts to, as overreacting as it sounds, question every life choices that he made up until now. Is he even making the right choice? But it was for Yuu and he knew it would work. It was 'his' plan after all. But... He stops himself from visually shivering to the memory of calling Rei by his first name. He really has to stop his mind from torturing himself.

He leaned his head back to the headrest, closing his eyes and inhaling the smell of leather in Kotone's car. He then glanced at the blue-black-haired Alpha beside him. They are currently stuck in traffic. She looked in deep thought as her fingers tap on the steering wheel, staring at the windscreen. Is she...

She loudly sighed, her eyes were not leaving the windscreen. "Why are you staring at me?"

"Earlier, after I finished talking with..." Kyou looked outside his window, contemplating whether to continue talking. "Rei... Were you thinking about her again?"

Kotone blinked, turning her head to Kyou. "Who?"

"Shiori. Who else are you thinking about?" Kyou huffed and looked so done because knowing Kotone, he knows that she will try to deny everything in her head.

"I'm not." And he's right.

"Really?" Kyou sighed, closing his eyes with his head still in the headrest. "I'm sure you are already aching on running to her right now. It has been that way every fucking time you go back."

"I'm not." Kotone turned her gaze back to the windscreen and rests her elbow on the car door handle. "And besides, I think I saw her."

Kyou glanced at her, raising a brow. "Saw her?"

"I did come to your school once. My ex was also studying there." Kotone revealed, shrugging as if she didn't drop a huge bomb on Kyou.

"Wait. What? When?" Kyou blinked at Kotone, dumbfounded. "Then your ex and your first love are in the same school?"

Kotone nodded. "Yeah."

"That's so weird," Kyou stated before leaning back on his seat, comfortably. "Did you talk to Shi?"

"After what happened?" Kotone shrugged, removing her elbow on the door handle and starting her car when the traffic starts to move. "I don't even know if she remembers me."

"Come on! I know she will be thrilled. Her 'bestie' is back and never going to America again." Kyou smirked, giving emphasis on the word 'bestie' to tease her.

Kotone scoffed, smirking at how childish Kyou sounded. "Coming from someone she literally followed around to be friends with?"

"Ugh. Please don't make me remember those days!" The black-haired male face-palmed, rubbing his face to avoid all the flashbacks in his head.

The blue-black-haired female laughed. "But it's funny how much she clings to you all the time."

"It's not! She keeps on dragging me wherever she wants. I don't even get how you fell in love with her." Kyou groaned, sighing before looking seriously at Kotone. "You have to take a step, you know. After we broke off our engagement, Auntie is getting persistent in finding her a new fiancee."

Kotone felt her hand tighten on the steering wheel. Of course, she knows how desperate Shiori's parents were. And for someone like Shiori, who was born in a wealthy family and their only child? All alphas will be on their knees begging her to accept them as her husband. Whether it is male or female. She might get married immediately if she wants to.

"And if you won't take her as your mate, others will." Kyou loudly sighed, smirking at his friend's distressed face. "She is an omega after all. Wealthy. Not kind, but pretty. She is a great match."

"Yeah. She is..." Kotone absent-mindedly agreed, aware that her best friend is teasing her so she decided to tease him back. "Why did you break up with her then? Was it for Rei?"

Kyou blinked, turning his head to Kotone. "Huh?"

"You look close." Kotone smirked, "And the two of you look cute together."

"Huh?! No way!" And Kotone didn't stop teasing him the whole ride home.