Whole New Plan

"Look who's finally here." Sen cheekily grins, waving at Yuu who's walking towards their table. "Hey, Mr. Vice President."

Yuu is the only one who's active in school activities out of all their friends. Whether it is from Club Activities or Student Council, he is always a part of it. It's no wonder that earlier they heard the news about how the Student Council wants to recruit him as their Vice President this year. Of course, they already knew he got accepted without any confirmation from him. By the time he arrived at their table, Yuu flopped himself down in between Sen and Kyou, who was then busy with his phone but stopped when Yuu sat beside him.

"Shut up." Yuu sighed, snatching Sen's cup from his hand and gulping it down.

Kyou raised a brow. "Isn't that the reason why they called you?"

"Well, yes. I accepted and we already had a meeting for the school festival next month." Yuu leaned forward, putting the empty cup on the table in front of them.

"Oh, right! The school festival is coming up." Sen looked up, smiling and already taking a mental note on what he will do with his free time during the event, "Finally! We will have a break from school works."

"I won't be too happy if I were you." Yuu huffed, shaking his head and leaning back on the sofa.

Sen turned his head towards Yuu, raising a brow at him. "What? Why?"

"Remember what Ms. Sato just said? You have to pass the next exam if you don't want to repeat another year." The silver-haired Beta shrugged, giving the blonde Alpha a 'Duh' look.

Sen's eyes widened and starts to pull his hair in frustration, loudly groaning. "Ugh. That's right! She gave me additional homework earlier. I don't understand a thing about her subject even if I force myself to study..."

"Then just repeat another year." Kyou huffed, leaning towards the table to get his cup before taking a sip.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Sen sarcastically retorted, forcing a smile. "Thank you for that amazing advice, Kyou."

Kyou smirked, raising his cup. "You're welcome."

"But I have to catch up if I want to join a club..." Sen muttered to himself, his thumb and index finger under his chin as he thinks before glancing at Yuu. "School clubs will also open their membership drives during the school festival, right?"

"Yeah. Why? You're interested in joining one? That's new." Yuu snorted, smirking at his friend.

Why would anyone like Sen, who likes to do things his way and when he wants to, join a club? He has known their blonde-haired friend since high school. The three of them have been together since and never have Sen joined a club. It is either he didn't have any plan to join or he didn't have anything to gain from it. He tries to recruit him before but it never really worked out. Is this what they called an only child's privilege? 

Sen sat up straight, facing the two. "So listen. I got this whole new plan!"

"Let me guess. It's for Shiori." Kyou asked, crossing his arms. "As usual."

"Of course. Who is it for?" The blonde shrugged, letting both of his hands dropped on his lap.

Yuu raised a brow. "What's your plan then?"

"Well..." Sen leaned closer to them, cupping his hand near his mouth before whispering, "I am planning to join the Karate team."


The two blinked, dumbfounded before looking at each other. Did they hear him right? Karate team? Him? He must be going crazy. They turned their attention back to their friend and saw him innocently smiling, looking 'stupidly' oblivious in their eyes. Yuu was the first one to speak.

"Wait." Yuu raised a hand in front of Sen, still processing what he heard. "Isn't that Yasuko's club? Why there?"

"We had a conversation when we went to your house last time. And there, I learned that Shiori likes Yasuko! A girl and a Beta. It's not like I hate Betas nor Girls." Sen loudly sighed, "I just hate the fact that I lost to her, a nerd who keeps on reading a book in a group bonding!"

Kyou rolled his eyes at him and muttered, "Maybe she just said that to make you stop."

"What did you say?!" Sen snapped, turning his attention to the black-haired Alpha who instantly shifted his gaze away.

"Sen, it's Yasuko we are talking about. You won't win against her even if you want to." Yuu loudly sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, whether in disappointment or worry. He didn't know either.

"I will win." Sen nodded, full of himself with his arms crossed.

"You won't." Yuu raised his head to look at his friend, solemnly, "Do you know what type of family Yasuko comes from?"

Sen slowly shook his head. "No. Do I have to know?"


Yuu was cut off when the DJ slowly turned the music down and the sound of glass crashing on the floor echoes across the room. The three turned their head towards the direction where the noises came from and saw more people are already gathered to watch. Some are also running to see what's going on. Sen raised a brow at Yuu who just shrugged, confused at what's happening. Kyou then looked around to ask for information and noticed one of the club guards running towards the commotion so he motioned him to come closer. The guard's eyes widened, recognizing Kyou's face before visually panicking but politely bowing.

"Sir! I didn't know you are---"

The guard was cut off when Kyou raised a hand to stop him from speaking further. "Stop the chit-chat. Tell me what's happening."

Kyou raised a brow at the guard, sighing as he saw him looked in Sen and Yuu's direction before looking back at him. This will take so long...

Meanwhile, back at the commotion, Rei blinked, still standing and looking shocked to see Dai standing beside a girl who's shaking and panicking.  Just what the hell is this situation? Is he the girl's boyfriend? And he is cheating on her?! He looked at the other girl who's standing opposite of the two and he saw her pointing and screaming at them before she continued smashing the glasses from the nearest table to the floor.

"So, you won't even explain yourself?! Who is she?!" She shouted, pointing at them with the bottle she is holding.

"B-Babe." Dai slowly walked towards her but stopped, instinctively stepping back when she shoved it close to him.

"Don't call me babe, you cheater!" She angrily snapped that Rei can imagine red fumes coming from her nose and ears.

"I-I'm sorry. I can't take this." The girl beside Dai whispered, grabbing onto his shirt before running away and slipping between the crowd.

The other girl loudly snorted, "Ha! Where's your bitch now huh?"

Dai stared in the direction where the girl left, looking so dumbfounded. 'That's what he gets for being a bastard and playing with those girls' feelings.' Rei thought, smirking with his arms crossed. He closed his eyes and shook his head. He was so busy mentally mocking Dai that he didn't notice a pair of brown eyes already staring at him that when he opened his eyes and met them, his eyes widened. He mentally cursed at himself when he saw Dai's eyes glinting mischievously as he smirks at him... Oh no.